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5 Tips for Working Moms

It can sometimes be quite difficult to keep all the balls in the air as a working mother. You have your children, work, your partner and also the daily routine such as the household. This is quite a challenge. Taking care of the children is actually a full-time job alone. How do you ensure that you can combine it all and also experience a certain peace of mind. Below we have compiled 5 tips to help you with this.

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Keep all the balls in the air? With these tips you are a lot more relaxed!

Do you do your very best, but just don't always manage to keep all the balls in the air? No point! You would almost forget that this is not necessary at all. You don't have to be perfect, you can also take time for yourself and set your limits. You don't need to keep those balls in the air. Just drop one every now and then and see what happens. You learn the most from that!

1. There is no such thing as perfect

Start by accepting that not everything can and does not have to be perfect. As a mother, you often tend to want everything to be perfectly in order for yourself and your children, but this actually only creates extra pressure. Even if it sometimes seems that things are going smoothly with other friends or family. Almost all parents face the same challenges. In almost every household with children it will be hectic and chaotic around 6am. Do not set the bar too high for yourself and your partner, keeping all the balls in the air is not realistic at all.

It does not matter if the counter is not completely cleared or if the food is on the table a little later. If this makes the day a little more relaxed, embrace it. It may seem difficult, but the moment you accept that sometimes small things go wrong or don't go as expected, this already gives a lot less pressure.

2. Take time for yourself and your partner

You and your partner are the driving force behind the family. You take care of the children, work and organize the household. What can sometimes fail is taking time for each other and yourself. Because it is often busy, it is sometimes difficult to schedule, but you should also enjoy the small moments of rest you have. When you're shopping or cleaning up the house, turn on your favorite playlist, for example, so that you can see it as a relaxing moment for yourself. And try to slow down during these activities. Forgot something at the supermarket? Too bad, you really don't have to go back!

For example, after the children have gone to bed, try to take a moment to discuss the day with your partner. Plan an evening together every month and arrange a babysitter for the children, so that you really have some time for each other. Keeping all the balls in the air really isn't more important than that! Go out for dinner or grab a terrace, take a long walk or have a nice picnic. In addition, enjoy the bonus of relaxing moments such as fun outings. For example, team building at work, but also a dinner with friends.

3. Plan ahead to make it easier to keep all the balls in the air

Planning is key in parenting. For example, make sure you do weekly shopping. This way there is always food in the house and you no longer have to worry about it last minute. If the budget allows, you can also order a box for, for example, a number of days a week. This means you no longer have to think about the food yourself and it only needs to be prepared. It costs a bit, but it does create a little more peace of mind for you and your partner. We really enjoy cooking with a meal box every week. In this way we are at least provided with a varied healthy meal.

You can also think about having your groceries delivered, which saves you a visit to the store.

4. Draw up a (realistic) to-do list

When it is hectic and busy, it can sometimes be a solution to draw up a to do list. This means that it no longer has to take up space in your head, because you have put it on your list. In addition, you create an overview for yourself and it is easier to prioritize things. This way you don't have to keep all the balls in the air, but only the most important ones!

5. Set boundaries for yourself

Finally, it can help immensely to set boundaries. Women can sometimes be inclined to say yes to everything. And then you not only have all the balls in the air, but you also get a few more! While there is a chance that you will cross your own border and that that ultimately only harms yourself and your environment. A good mother, partner, friend and employee is someone who takes good care of herself and shows her limits. So don't be afraid to indicate when it becomes too much and especially accept help from your environment. You don't have to do everything alone.

All in all, you try to rest, enjoy the little moments and take time for each other. When you have been able to find the right balance in that, it will become a lot calmer for you. The tips drawn up above are only handles to help you with this, but different things work for everyone. Try the tips and find the way that works for you.