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Want to grow your webshop? Think about your online marketing!

Have you recently built an online store? Exciting! Getting started with selling your products on the internet is very different than in a physical store. You can reach your target group in different ways, sales are different and the competition is greater. If we look at what's changing in 2021, that's quite a bit. In the past I also had a webshop and one of the most important activities at a webshop is online marketing. It's not for nothing that I have written about this many times before. Yet I still notice that many online entrepreneurs have questions about their marketing. Hence another blog with tips. Read on to see how you can use online marketing in the right way for your webshop!

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How do you use online marketing for your webshop?

You have built or had a webshop built. You have bought all kinds of nice products or made them yourself. You have completely filled your webshop and all your products are online. And you have gone live with your webshop! You have already had an exciting period if you have just started your webshop. Full of adrenaline, you wait for your visitors to place orders. After all, your webshop looks super cool and you have really nice stuff. And now it can start. However?

Days go by and you sell almost nothing, how is that possible? I totally understand your feeling. Been there, done that. You are therefore certainly not the only one who enthusiastically starts a webshop and then has difficulty receiving orders. Super demotivating, but it can be solved. Attracting visitors stands and falls with the online marketing of your webshop.

Could you use some help with your online marketing with your webshop? Check the tips below for online success.

Getting started with advertising

Advertising on the internet can be done in many ways. For example, you can advertise on Facebook, but you can also advertise on other social media channels and other websites. The latter is also known as remarketing. You also ensure that your website visitors see reminders of your product when they are still in the orientation phase. With remarketing you immediately increase your conversions, because this target group has already visited your website and has shown interest. With other ads you draw attention to your products so that you generate more website visitors.

Use an extra sales channel for the online marketing of your webshop

You may think; Why do I need an additional sales channel? Is my own webshop not enough? This is not the reason that the use of additional sales channels is necessary. It is certainly not necessary for every product, but making your products available in multiple places increases your conversions and brand awareness enormously! You can sell via, Marktplaats, Amazon and more. These are also called marketplaces and this way of selling and online marketing is increasing for webshops. Handy when you enter a market with high competition as a beginner.

Increase personal contact

Ultimately, personal contact is still the most important thing. Personal contact is on the one hand more difficult via the internet, because you are not next to your customer like in a store. Yet there are also a lot of advantages, partly due to the technology that now has a lot to offer. We have listed below what you can do to increase personal contact:

  • Always ask for feedback from your target group;
  • Be transparent, open and honest. Include your target group in what you are currently doing;
  • When you get started with a campaign, it is important to personalize the campaign. This means creating trust with your target audience by using familiar faces. Think of colleagues who are always available for this.
  • Reward! Active customers earn a reward. Think of exclusive offers, gifts and maybe even a free product.

pick-up your-seo-activities

The above three tips have more to do with the external possibilities that you have in the field of online marketing for your webshop. But internally – on your own website – there is still a lot of work to be done. And that has everything to do with SEO, search engine optimization. The good news is that you can do a lot about this yourself. The bad news? It is an ongoing process 😉 , so you are never done with your SEO and can always improve further. In fact, if at some point you decide not to do anything about SEO, you will automatically decline in the search results.

Good luck with your webshop, and if you have any other questions regarding your online marketing. let me know! I'd be happy to help you.