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7 tips for happier working from home

More and more people are working from home. Some love this, others have yet to get used to it. But when you work from home, the responsibility is yours. Nobody sees if you are there or checks your work. You must be self-motivated and organized. Here are 7 tips for happier working from home.

1. Make space
If you have a choice, put your desk somewhere other than your bedroom. You don't want work and sleep merging into each other. A dedicated space that can act as a home office is ideal, but even furnishing a corner in the living room can work well.

2. Set a schedule
When you work from home, it's tempting to go to bed late and then work until anytime, but this is not the path to productivity. Our brains like regularity, so set your alarm clock to get up at the same time every day (preferably early). Do a good exercise or meditation and start the day with pleasure. You may even want to go for a walk before going to work, not just for exercise, but to create a mental separation between your home and work lives.

3. Tidy Up
This simple act can correlate with happiness, and it will start your day off on the right foot. But it's especially important to keep your house tidy and at least somewhat organized if you're going to work there.

4. Tidy up your desk
If you don't keep your desk area organized, your work will overflow into your home things and vice versa. Invest in a small filing cabinet if you need one. Every month, flip through old papers and recycle or archive what you don't need.

5. Take breaks
Research shows we are most productive in 90-minute bursts of creativity, punctuated by short breaks for relaxation or exercise. Your own body clock may work differently, but the best thing about being at home is to get up, stretch, and walk around for a bit. If you decide to take a nap, make sure it's no longer than 20 minutes.

6. Make plans for after work
Working from home has huge benefits, but let's face it – you get a little lonely. If you're going on social media, plan it into your day, like "at 10 a.m.:5 minutes" Facebook break. Making plans with friends for dinner or on the weekend will help you focus on your work, knowing you'll have a chance to socialize later.

7. Take advantage of being out of the office
You can be in your happy place all day, so make the most of it. With no colleagues to haggle over your musical tastes, you can play tunes in the background while working. Because you have a well-stocked kitchen on hand, you can save money and eat healthier by making quick salads and sandwiches instead of going out for lunch. And while we encourage you to dress up - you can still wear whatever you want - and that can be 'office casual' every day.