Family Best Time >> Work

Working from home, how do you do that?

Taking your child to school at ease, putting your baby to bed, avoiding traffic jams, doing some work and having a nice lunch with your kids at noon. work at home. It seems ideal. Recently, it has even been legalized that you can ask your employer to work from home. Read more about the right to work from home here.

Working from home in practice

But how is it in practice? Personally, I only work at home when the children are at school. I know people who work from home with a crawling baby around them. Doesn't seem very effective to me. I sometimes try, but as soon as I open my laptop, a bell goes off in my kids' heads. You know that. The same as when the phone rings, that's the signal for your kids to yell "Mama!" Suddenly they want your undivided attention. Even at those moments when you think, now they are playing nice and quiet, appearances are deceiving.

There is barely a rattle of my keyboard and a child has to poop who can't wipe his butt yet, another suddenly wants to
together with the Playmobil and number three realizes that she has forgotten a topo test and now needs to be quizzed . In random order. Good. So pointless. Waiting for them to go to bed to send that important email. And try again the next day when they are at school. But even then I find it difficult not to be distracted in between by the mountain of laundry that actually also needs to be removed.

And it's boring, I'm a 'people person', get inspired by brainstorming out loud with colleagues. So I limit working from home to a few hours a week. What do you think, is working from home just as effective as working in an office, for example? Do you have tips for working from home?