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How do you set up your home workplace?

Working from home is a permanent change. Due to the corona crisis, we are increasingly working from home and it seems that employers are getting used to this a little more. It may just be that more people work from home for a number of days a week. However, there is a good chance that you work at a quality desk with a comfortable desk chair at the office and that you are sitting at the kitchen table at home. That is of course not the intention, it is certainly important when working from home that you set up a good home workplace.

Will you be working from home more often in the future? Then that means that you can draw some attention to your home workplace. Do you work ergonomically at the office, but do you also work ergonomically at home? Working ergonomically at home is just as important as at the office! In this blog you will read more about the importance of ergonomic working and about the best design for your home workplace. So read on quickly!

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Setting up your home workplace; what is needed?

What does an optimal and ergonomic home workplace actually consist of and what about the rules? The basis of a good home workplace is created with ergonomic office furniture and in this blog you can read more about the arbo rules † In any case, you are not working ergonomically when you work at the kitchen table. Choose a good and quiet space to work in and then decide which ergonomic office furniture to place in it. But, of course, with only a desk and an office chair you don't make your home workplace really inspiring. Some beautiful desk plants are also smart. Below you can read how you can make your home workplace inspiring in terms of furnishing in addition to being ergonomically responsible!


After you have found the suitable location for your home workplace, you can start setting it up. Do not place the desk against a wall, but make sure you always have a window in front of or next to you while working. This has everything to do with your eyes. Your eyes need to look into the distance after a long screen time to settle down. The rule of thumb here is 20 minutes of screen time, 20 seconds of looking into the distance.

Is your workplace in the right place? Nice! Now it's time to decorate. By making your home workplace inspiring, your productivity will increase. But how do you do that? For example, place fresh flowers on your desk, hang posters on the wall or paint a wall in an inspiring color or use one of these ideal houseplants for a pleasant atmosphere. Try to make your workplace a kind of extension of your living room. This is how you make your home workplace a source of inspiration!

What else is important in-provisioning?

In addition to the furniture and decoration of the workplace, the lighting and storage space is extremely important when setting up your home workplace. Natural light is best, because daylight increases your productivity † Is it necessary to use artificial light? Then go for light that is not too bright for your eyes .

Working with documents lying around can cause irritation while working. It can distract you and it quickly gets in the way. That is why storage space in your home workplace is also important. Place a filing cabinet in your home workplace to store documents lying around. Filing cabinets come in many shapes and sizes, there are large cabinets in which you can store many documents. Need something small? Then go for a personal drawer , which you can easily mount under your desk.

How are you going to set-up your home-workplace?

In this blog you have been able to read everything about the importance of properly organizing your home workplace. You have also been able to read which elements are important for your home workplace. Small aspects such as lighting and storage space are already very important. With ergonomic office furniture you create the basis at your home workplace. After reading this blog, you can get started setting up your own home workplace! How will you furnish your home office ?

Reimbursement of your home workplace

Did you know that there are also schemes that can reimburse you (part of the costs of your) home workplace? Your employer can give you a tax-free allowance in accordance with the Work Costs Scheme. The amount of that compensation depends on the total wage bill that the company has, but in any case 1.7% of this may be distributed tax-free among the employees for a home workplace. You can read more information about the WKR here