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Working in maternity care during school hours; the mom contract

Naviva maternity care is a first, as a mother you can use the mother contracts that they offer to their employees. With a mom contract you have the option to work during school hours and to be on the schoolyard on time to pick up your own children. Ideal right?

I was triggered by the way of working at Naviva and I was allowed to spend a day with Elise. In the vlog below I show you how she likes working in maternity care at Naviva. In addition, Elise explains how such a mom contract works and what it can do for you.

Working in maternity care during school hours; at Naviva it is possible!

I know more mothers who work in maternity care, but they all work irregular hours and shifts. You are there when necessary and then you spend the entire maternity week with a mother who has just given birth. How you arrange things at home is then your own concern. At Naviva they realize that this is not attractive for young mothers and they have come up with an alternative. Namely working during school hours with an adapted contract for shorter working hours.

As in any job, it is also important in maternity care that there is a good work-life balance. However, working in maternity care recently seemed less popular with mothers with younger children, because regular contracts are difficult to combine with family life. At Naviva they also saw the signals from their employees. And they decided to do something with this.

Why mommy contracts are so important

These mother contracts give the maternity nurse at Naviva maternity care the opportunity to better combine their work with their private life due to the adjusted working hours. With small contracts in which you work an average of 6 hours a day, a job at this organization suddenly turns out to be very easy to combine with a young family. Good for the maternity nurse and good for Naviva, because they obviously prefer not to see their employees go.

Thanks to Naviva's neighbourhood-oriented approach, you also work as much as possible in your own region. Combine this with a mom contract and you'll be back in the schoolyard when your kids get home from school. Just like Elise.

Other benefits of working at Naviva

Even though working during school hours is a big plus, it's not the only thing Naviva has to offer its employees. This innovative maternity care organization is known for its extensive education and training options. In addition, they work in this maternity care organization through the latest insights, such as Dunstan baby language, rotating care and baby massage. You can also find out more about this in the video above. But I can tell you… as a mother-to-be this also sounds very attractive. If only I had learned a little more about, for example, that Dunstan baby language, that would certainly have helped me years ago!

As a maternity nurse, it is of course nice to give mother and baby these techniques and insights so that they can make the best possible start.

All in all, it appears from my conversation with Elise that working at Naviva Kraamzorg provides a nice challenging job, with sufficient training opportunities. In addition, this job can be perfectly combined with running your family with school-age children through the mother contracts. Something for you maybe?

For more information about Naviva and the mom contracts, please visit their website.