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The new way of working, a solution for the working mother?

How do you see your future as a working mother? Are you ambitious and would you like to work 4 or 5 days a week (perhaps even more) at the company itself? Or are you a working mother who prefers to work for a few days? Purely for the finances to enjoy your children at home? Another option:maybe you are that working mother who tries to find a balance between working (a lot of) and still being home for the children when necessary? Then the new way of working might be something for you. But beware, there are also disadvantages!

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Table of contents

What exactly is The New Way of Working?

The new way of working has the balance more on flexibility. On working from home and the independence of the employee than on the presence at the office. This also changes the assessment of employees significantly. Instead of the number of hours you were present at work, the focus is now on something else. Namely on the results you achieve.

And achieving results, you can do that at home too! Although… I myself have at least two distracting factors walking around 😉 . And that's not even counting the dog! You can probably imagine it already. The new way of working also has disadvantages. Below we list them (with of course the great advantages!).

The New Way of Working, its advantages and disadvantages

The new way of working is actually not so new anymore. But the new way of working is attracting more and more attention. More and more companies are adopting this. But not just to accommodate its employees. No, it can also cut costs enormously. Offices are being overhauled because the number of employees on the floor is decreasing sharply. Open open plan offices and flexible workplaces are being created. One of the benefits for the economy is therefore cost savings.

However, employees who need structure can experience a major disadvantage of this. On the one hand, the supervision of the manager is often 'lost', because he or she also struggles with the commitment and approach of The New Way of Working. On the other hand, the open-plan offices are often noisier and more restless, causing concentration problems. In addition, the New Way of Working jeopardizes social contacts if the employer does not keep an eye on this.

Pros and cons of The New Way of Working for working mothers

For the working mother, the pros and cons lie on a completely different level in addition to the above. As a working mother, you will probably use The New Way of Working to be home for your children when they come home from school. It is nice to be there for your children and it is also financially attractive because they do not have to go to after-school care. Or to daycare. But in many cases it also 'breaks' your day. Because however you get used to it… working at home with children means that you are regularly disturbed. This takes you out of your concentration. As a result, at the end of your day you are not done with what you should have done. The result of this is that you often work in the evening, which in turn is at the expense of your social contacts, your exercise and your relaxation.

In addition, there will also be many women who quickly do laundry, clear the kitchen sink or run the vacuum cleaner through the house. All tasks that they cannot ignore because they cannot see the mess, but that are at the expense of work and concentration at that moment. Do you suddenly become a working mother with a double to-do list…

Why do men not suffer from this?

Men are better able to shut themselves off. Most of the women will recognize this. For example, who wakes up in the middle of the night when one of the children is crying? It seems that women are born with an "abnormality" called "mothers," an abnormality that fathers don't know. We women often feel compelled to respond to our children when they express a particular need. To feed them, to make sure they go to bed clean, to comfort them when necessary. Such a built-in mechanism to take care of. others And it is precisely this mechanism that makes The New Way of Working for the working mother both fantastic and disastrous. What do you think? Could the New Way of Working work for you?

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