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Burn out treatment using therapy:is it something for you?

Be burned out. Not in the sense of fatigue. But really burned out. Many Dutch people suffer from this in 2017. And burnout occurs in all population categories. Okay, except for young children and maybe the elderly 😉 . But burnout is not a topic to joke about. It is a serious problem for a lot of people. However, burnout treatment is possible. You can read more about it here.

Table of contents

Burn out:what's going on?

When you're burned out, you've pretty much outdone yourself. You have then ignored clear stress signals from your body. Not smart. But probably because you thought you could handle it. Or because work came first. Or the children, your partner, the care of a loved one…  You just carried on, don't whine but tackle it. And, instead of listening to your body, you moved on to the things that needed to be done. This happens much more often than you think.

We live in a society that demands a lot from us. On top of that, we often ask a lot of ourselves. Especially if we are a perfectionist. If you are also a 'thinker', it is obvious that you often worry. As icing on the cake, women are also more likely to experience guilt than men. End result:we set the bar high. We worry about whether all those missions will succeed. And we blame ourselves if one of them goes wrong. Recognizable? Then you have to take good care of yourself. Because a burn out can also happen to you.

Read also :Feelings of guilt in women, are you also guilty of it?

The symptoms of a burnout

Yep, you too can go on indefinitely. Until you are so tired, physically and mentally, that you want to get up again, but your body no longer cooperates. You just can't take it anymore and wonder how it could have come to this… Examples of signals that you have ignored and adapted to are for example:

  • exhaustion, you are burned out, completely exhausted, moving is heavy
  • difficult to remember things, loss of concentration, no focus
  • insomnia, no hunger, listless, no appetite
  • often being sad, gloomy, insecure
  • you isolate yourself, want to be alone, preferably have no people but silence around you

With a burnout you lose a lot in a short time. You isolate yourself from your family and friends and work. Confidence in yourself and in your own abilities is gone. Your environment wants to help you, but you no longer allow them. It's just all too much.

Burn out treatment:it is possible

However, a burnout can be treated well. You are not the only one with a burnout. Much is already known about it and many before you have taken the step to go to therapy. Because that includes burnout treatment. Many people think that Netflix for a while under a blanket will keep you going. But burn out treatment has more to do. The problem is deeper. You set the bar high for yourself, and you are sensitive to all the stress that comes your way.

Are you interested in burnout treatment through therapy? Then you can read more about it here. Topics that are discussed in such burn out therapy are, for example:

  • focused relaxation
  • build energy
  • teaching you to divide your energy over a day
  • we teach you to set your limits
  • learn to say no
  • how to communicate efficiently with your (work) environment

Read more?

Would you like to read more about burn out, recognizing symptoms and burn out treatment? Then we recommend the articles below.

  • Burn out or 'just busy'?
  • Do you have peace of mind? Take the test!
  • Have and keep time for yourself:7 tips for working moms