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Job interview:5 questions you can prepare for

There is nothing to do:job interviews are a source of stress, whether you are used to the exercise or not. We obviously want to present ourselves in our best light (and get the job!), but there are a lot of parameters that escape us. One thing is certain:being well prepared allows you to be more relaxed. Here are 5 questions that we can already answer, in order to be able to do so in an efficient and asked way if they come out on D-Day (and there is a chance that we will be asked them) and to avoid mistakes.

“Why do you want this job? »

This question is asked to know our real interest in the job, but also to know if we have done all the research before coming (basically, is it an interview "like that" or do we really want to embed the box?). We therefore try to appear really interested, we mention a few details which show that we know who we are addressing (for example, we place the extension of the company's activities a few years earlier which justifies even more that we feels legit…). Looking jaded is the best way not to get the job.

“Tell me about your journey”

We are not going to lie to each other, this question is extremely important. This is an opportunity to highlight the important points (and of which we are proud) in our career. We make sure to be concise (the interlocutor does not expect us to talk for 10 minutes) and above all to really put ourselves forward. Basically, we avoid talking about unimportant stuff (no, really, there's no point in mentioning our college diploma if we have a baccalaureate +5 behind...) and we talk about subjects that can weigh in the balance in the interview.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" »

This is THE question we think of when we imagine an interview, and the fact is that it is often asked. The challenge here is to answer in a sufficiently honest way, while valuing yourself. We therefore avoid saying that we are always late (even if it is true!), and we turn any criticism into positive points:for example, if we do not like confrontation, we insist on the fact that we are very good at anticipating conflicts and avoiding them. Smart!

"What are your hobbies outside of the office?" »

Here, the idea for the future employer is to see if we have interests outside of work, in other words, if we are a normal person with whom he can consider taking a plane trip, for example. . So it's good to have things to say...

“Do you have any questions? »

THE trick question! Let it be said:this is not the time to talk about salary or holidays, we would seem too interested. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to show that you have studied the company and/or the sector and to ask questions as if you were already working in the company ("On this point in particular, I was wondering how you made the decision to…”).

There you go, the smartest one is us!