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Prepare for your annual interview in 6 steps

Prepare for your annual interview in 6 steps

Did you know that your employer is required by law to transfer you a professional interview every two years when you have two years of seniority in the company? If it is perceived by many as an insurmountable ordeal, the professional interview is nevertheless an opportunity for the employee to free his word, to draw up a retrospective assessment of the successes of the past year and to establish the objectives to come. .

Find out with us which are the best cards to play to guarantee the success of your annual interview!

1. Make a list of your big successes…

If making a list of your skills is not always easy, think factual! Gather the documents to help you see things more clearly :job description, employment contract, summary or report of previous interviews, list of your training courses carried out or in progress, etc. List the tasks of your position, the skills acquired and mastered and any new responsibilities that have been added over time.

If we can sometimes think that only professional skills count, what about personal skills? Called “soft skills”, they refer to human and relational qualities and more than 3 out of 4 employers acknowledge attaching as much importance to them as to technical skills (the “hard skills”). If you're persuasive, creative, or adaptable, now's the time to show it off!

2. …and your little failures

We are all perfectible and recognizing your defeats or small weaknesses is an essential first step towards setting goals. There is no question of self-flagellation, but of approaching the check with a minimum of hindsight. Understanding what contributed to putting you in difficulty also means thinking with your employer about solutions to bring an initial resolution to these problems and also give him the opportunity to improve. You can address a possible work overload or an unattainable pace. Why not open the dialogue on potential training needs to broaden your skills and your field of expertise. Is recruitment planned in your department to lighten or better distribute the tasks? Do not hesitate to list your needs and dare to express your feelings. Do not maintain the taboo, the floor is yours!

3. Discuss your prospects

Projecting yourself into the future is the most important step in your professional interview. Giving meaning to your work means determining a direction to take , sometimes even taking risks and starting a 360° turn. There is a very fashionable expression in the professional world:“open the field of possibilities”. Your annual interview is the perfect opportunity to shake things up and broaden your career prospects. Discuss your wishes and plans for your professional career by considering ways to implement them. To do this, find out about the balance of your personal training account to unlock your training rights. If you are a bit in the dark, why not carry out a skills assessment? Your professional and personal achievements will be highlighted and you may get some leads to evolve in the world of work.

4. Take care of your attitude:the importance of non-verbal communication

Have you ever heard of nonverbal communication? This relates to all manifestations of body language such as intonation of voice, gestures, posture, etc. Did you know, for example, that crossing your arms during an interview is a sign of withdrawal and negativity? Be sure to take care of your posture, to speak clearly and calmly. The gaze is also an important aspect in non-verbal communication. If it is too receding or on the contrary too pressed, it can denote a certain discomfort. Address your interlocutor in a natural and relaxed way, show your interest and be proactive. Proactivity will show that you are involved and concerned about including the company in your development prospects.

5. Be factual about your request for a raise

Let's talk about the annoying subject:the request for a raise. The fact is proven, negotiating your salary can be a source of anxiety and nearly one in two French people readily admit that they are not comfortable asking for a raise. At a time when wage inequalities still weigh heavily in the French working world, according to INSEE women still earned 23% less than men in 2017. However, it is essential to learn to judge yourself at your fair value . To support your request for a salary increase and legitimize it, present the figures of what you have earned for the company, if your successes are quantifiable. Otherwise, why not highlight the contracts you won for the company or the achievement of the objectives that had been established upstream? Do not hesitate to compare your salary with the average income observed in your field. To do this, some sites like Glassdoor or Apec give you a good indicator at a glance to position yourself well in your request. If you feel a reluctance in return, you can try to negotiate bonuses or exceptional bonuses. Don't bend, the key to success lies in your determination and your motivation and if you are a good element, your employer will have every interest in remaining open to negotiation!

6. And after ?

After the professional interview, a report containing the conclusions of the interview and the follow-up given to your discussion will be given to you. This summary must be signed by both parties and sent to the human resources department. We advise you to keep this document in a safe place to be able to certify your evolutions and acquisitions when a next interview comes up.

You are now ready to pass the dreaded test of the professional interview. Remember, only you hold the keys to your future success! Should your interview take place by videoconference? Don't panic, discover our tips for succeed your 2.0 interview.