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Self-employed, which social security system?

Self-employed, which social security system?

You are a florist and you are expecting a happy event, so are you looking for information about maternity leave as a craftsperson? You recently started your own business as an editor and you are already finding out about the conditions for sick leave so as not to be surprised in the event of a problem? You've always wanted to be your own boss and you're about to take off but you want to know beforehand ?

Not always easy to see clearly in the administration and especially with regard to the legal aspect related to health when you are not an employee. We give you the main keys to better master the subject.

Who falls into the category of self-employed and unpaid workers?

The following are considered self-employed and self-employed (TNS):

  • Artisans (including business leaders, married/pacsied spouses with the status of collaborating spouse)
  • Merchants (including business leaders, married/pacsied spouses with the status of collaborating spouse)
  • Manufacturers (including business leaders)
  • Unregulated Liberal Professionals
  • Some directors/partners of companies
  • Auto-entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs

A reorganization of the social security system

The Social Security Scheme for the Self-Employed (RSI) was abolished on 1 January 2018 to be gradually integrated into the general Social Security scheme in January 1, 2020. Smoothed over two years, this reorganization had no impact on the health coverage of self-employed workers and did not require any steps or formalities on the part of the latter. It is therefore the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM) of the worker's place of residence which now bears all the costs related to his health.

Good to know :a self-employed person who has not achieved or declared a turnover or income/receipts over a period of two consecutive years has his affiliation to Social Security as well as to the legal registers and directories deregistered by decree of October 23, 2019 .

The contribution system

This is the URSSAF (Union for the Collection of Social Security Contributions and Family Allowances) which manages the contributions and social contributions of self-employed workers. The contributions of a TNS are based on all non-salaried professional income from its activity, subject to income tax (in respect of non-commercial profits).

The different benefits social security

As a freelancer:

The disease

The Universal Health Protection (PUMa) since 2016 covers health costs of any person exercising a professional activity or residing in France on a stable and regular basis. The self-employed worker and the members of his family (spouse, children) are entitled to reimbursement of their health costs. The CPAM takes care of the reimbursements of the services but also the daily allowances in the event of sick leave. However, to benefit from these, you must in particular:

  • be affiliated for more than a year as a self-employed person
  • reach a certain annual income ceiling of 4047 euros.
  • send a work stoppage prescription to social security within a maximum of 48 hours.

Good to know :The waiting periods are 3 days.


You must have 10 months of membership the status of self-employed on the presumed date of childbirth or adoption and the work stoppage must be at least 8 weeks, including 6 weeks after childbirth to claim compensation. As far as care and examinations are concerned, they are covered in the same way as an employee. Up to the sixth month of pregnancy, part of the costs are covered by social security. After the sixth month, the costs are covered at 100%.

Indemnities or allowances may also be paid to replace income that you can no longer receive. For paternity leave, the head of the self-employed worker affiliated to the general scheme can benefit from paternity leave and receive a fixed daily allowance during it. The employee-spouse can benefit from an indemnity to cease his activity and be replaced by salaried staff. In both cases, you must also be able to justify 10 months of membership.

Occupational diseases and accidents at work

A self-employed person is not covered against the risk of occupational diseases and accidents at work. However, he can take out voluntary insurance, but this does not entitle him to the daily allowance.


Self-employed workers can benefit from a disability pension (subject to conditions) paid by the CPAM. The same applies in the event of death:self-employed workers can receive a death benefit.

To complete your Social Security reimbursements, having a good health insurance is essential. Mutuals also offer pension solutions. Think about it!