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Which non-occupant owner (PNO) insurance to choose?

Which non-occupant owner (PNO) insurance to choose?

Being in possession of a property requires taking all the necessary precautions to preserve the heritage. Thus, even if the accommodation is unoccupied, the owner must take out home insurance so as not to have to suffer alone the financial consequences resulting from a disaster. The question now arises:how to choose the best non-occupant landlord insurance? Answers.

Principle and operation of non-occupant owner insurance

As its title suggests, non-occupant owner insurance (PNO) is dedicated to natural or legal persons who own a property, but who are not housed there. Since the entry into force of the Alur law of March 2014, it is imperative to subscribe to this coverage in the event that the accommodation is in joint ownership. Otherwise, it becomes optional. The role of this insurance is to intervene when no other insurance is applied. In reality, there are three possible situations. First, the contract is effective if the accommodation is vacant, for example during a transition period between the departure of the former tenant and the arrival of a new occupant.

Of course, it is possible to activate the guarantees even if the owner decides not to rent out his house. PNO insurance can also be used even if the property is housed and inhabited. Sometimes tenants do not have home insurance, although it is mandatory. The landlord can then take out insurance in his name and pass on the cost of the premiums to the rents. And even if the tenant has home insurance, PNO insurance can still be used when the tenant's contract does not cover the damage that has arisen. This is the case when there is a construction defect or damage to the pipes due to freezing.

Guarantees to take out for PNO insurance

To choose the best PNO insurance, an owner must focus on the guarantees. The basic contracts systematically include guarantees for civil liability, theft and vandalism, water damage, fire, glass breakage and climatic events. It is also advisable to have a guarantee "recourse of neighbors and third parties" which covers the damage caused to third parties in the event of disasters spreading in neighboring houses. Having a “material damage” guarantee is also essential so that the damage suffered by the owner’s real estate is subject to compensation. The contract can then be personalized with certain options such as legal protection guarantee, rental loss guarantee, guarantee against rental vacancy or rent insurance during works.

PNO insurance price

The cost of contributions is taken into account when choosing PNO insurance. Good news:contracts dedicated to non-occupant owners are less expensive than traditional home insurance since the risk of claims is lower. A 200 m2 apartment in Paris will only cost 13 euros to insure per month or 160 euros per year. To cover a 50 m2 loft in Nantes, the owner will only pay 8 euros per month or 100 euros per year. Obviously, the rates will vary according to a certain number of criteria:profile of the insured, type of property, level of coverage desired, occupancy rate during the year, guarantee conditions, geographical location, state of the rental (existence or not of furniture), etc.

How to find the best non-occupant owner insurance?

Non-occupant owners have several solutions at their fingertips to get their hands on quality insurance. Among the possible options are online simulations on the sites of mutual organizations or insurers. Otherwise, nothing prevents policyholders from taking the steps themselves by obtaining quotes via agencies or by telephone. Finally, the simplest and fastest solution is to go through online insurance comparators.