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Which menstrual protection to choose?

Which menstrual protection to choose?

The topic of menstruation is still taboo these days. However, periods are part of the lives of 15.5 million French women, aged on average between 13 and 50 years old. Did you know that a woman gets her period about 2,280 days in her lifetime? That means she would use approximately 11,400 menstrual pads!
Do you want to find menstrual protection that will respect your body as well as the environment? Disposable or washable solution, discover with us how to make your choice among the existing protections.

Are menstrual products respectful of the body and the environment?

Disposable menstrual pads:the most used today

In France, disposable tampons and sanitary napkins are the most used protection. The National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) indicated in 2017 that 91% of women used it . How to explain this popularity? The tampon is discreet and gives the woman the impression of wearing nothing. It even allows you to swim. Disposable pads, on the other hand, are adaptable according to flow, easy to use and can be worn at night.

However, a problem arises:these two menstrual protections are made of plastic and cannot be recycled! Did you know that they take between 500 and 800 years to decompose? They also have a significant cost:between 8,000 and 23,000 euros over a lifetime.

The dangers of disposable pads and tampons

The compositions of our sanitary protections are not always very well detailed. It contains toxic substances such as pesticides, dioxins, phthalates, etc. They can also be carcinogenic, contain endocrine disruptors, have an impact on the fertility of women and cause infections such as fungal infections.

A word of advice:choose a quality brand and check the compositions! Be careful, the tampon can also increase the risk of toxic shock:change it every four hours maximum.

For better comfort, do not buy disposable protections with perfume or patterns:the substances used to make your protection more feminine can cause allergic reactions or irritations!

What is toxic shock?

Toxic shock is caused by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus, which is aggravated by stagnation of blood in the vagina. This can lead to infection as well as the passage of toxins into the blood:the most serious cases can cause death.

The evolution of practices towards more natural compositions

Single-use protections are very controversial:they are practical, but have a catastrophic environmental impact as well as a significant cost per year. To overcome these problems of harmful composition, many brands are turning to organic and opting for Oeko Tex certified cotton. This certification is in line with respect for the sanitary and ecological qualities of textiles and guarantees the absence of toxic products in its composition. Unfortunately, the price of these protections can weigh on the monthly budget of women, around 10 to 50 euros per month and generates menstrual precariousness for 4.7 million women in France.

Natural compositions and low prices are not incompatible! Several alternatives exist and are becoming more popular to make your periods easier to endure. Discover them with us!

Washable sanitary napkins

The benefits

Reusable pads are used like disposable pads, but are eco-friendly economical and healthy , because they are made of natural fibres. It takes between 5 and 15 euros for a single towel. Be aware that you need several pads depending on your flow. The latter can be used between five and 10 years:you will therefore gain in time!

The disadvantages

The washable towel has only one drawback:it must be washed by hand and in cold water before going into the washing machine. Hematophobic, so this solution is not for you!

Period panties

The benefits

Are you looking for tranquility and a practical solution? Period panties adapt according to the flow, put on like a classic panty and absorb the blood for about 12 hours. Ladies, did you know they look as pretty as real panties? The panties have a lifespan of about five years for around thirty euros each.

The disadvantages

It is recommended that you wash your panties by hand in cold water before putting them in the washing machine. Pay attention to the composition by checking the details on the retailer's site, for example:some panties contain silver nanoparticles which can accumulate in the body and have harmful effects.

Menstrual cups

The advantages

The cups are ecological, healthy and they do not dry out the vaginal mucous membranes. In addition to providing proven comfort, they can be worn for eight hours and even in water. It is an internal protection which is in store. Count between 15 and 40 euros for about five years of peace of mind!

The disadvantages

The cup takes a little getting used to, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right folding for the first cycles and you have to be able to rinse it after each use. A risk of toxic shock is present even if it is very small:never wear internal protection for longer than the duration indicated!

Menstrual sponges

The benefits

The sea sponge has the advantage of being 100% natural. It is an internal protection that absorbs the blood without causing dryness. It is reusable for about three to six months for a price between five and 10 euros.

The disadvantages

The sponge is not very practical:it does not have a string like the tampon to be removed and it must be cleaned with each use. In addition, it could be the cause of infections:dust, sand or other small elements can slip into the sponge.

You're ready for your next menstrual cycles:it's up to you to test and choose what suits you best. For the most modest budgets, why not make your own menstrual protections? It is important to lift taboos when talking about gynecological problems in order to diagnose certain diseases such as endometriosis .
