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White teeth:disentangle the true from the false

White teeth:disentangle the true from the false

Did you know that nearly 29% of French people were afraid to go to the dentist, an essential step for good oral health? White teeth are often synonymous with teeth full of vitality. Prejudices and received ideas in the field sometimes have a hard tooth!

What solutions are available to you to regain a dazzling smile without damaging your teeth while protecting your wallet? We disentangle with you the true from the false and deliver you the best tips to crunch life to the fullest!

You must have a scaling done before having your teeth whitened


Before undertaking whitening of your teeth, it is strongly advised to go to your dentist to carry out a scaling. This act deeply cleans your teeth by eliminating tartar, the first responsible for the formation of cavities. Scaling is therefore an essential preliminary step for successful bleaching. In addition, annual scaling is recommended to treat and relieve your teeth and gums weakened by the daily aggressions they face.

Good news ! Did you know that this act was largely reimbursed by social security?

Teeth whitening at the dentist is expensive


It is true that having your teeth whitened by a professional represents a significant cost:between 400 and 700 €. However, it has many advantages. Whitening your teeth is completely painless when performed by a professional. Your lips and gums are protected by a cream and a whitening gel made of hydrogen peroxide is applied to your teeth. A blue light is projected to complete the effects of the gel. The results are lasting and visible barely an hour after the act. In addition, you have the assurance of being treated by a specialist.

Whitening can be continued at home for longer lasting effects using removable trays molded on your teeth by your dentist. The treatment lasts an average of three weeks at the rate of a few hours of daily wearing of the prostheses. Aesthetic procedures are sometimes partially reimbursed. Remember to ask your complementary health insurance to establish quotes for your dental whitening.

The smile bar is the solution to whiten teeth at a lower cost

TRUE, but beware!

Teeth whitening brands, called “smile bars” are flourishing in France. Is this new fashion effective and safe for our teeth? The 2009 European cosmetic products regulation authorizes the over-the-counter sale of whitening gels containing a maximum of 0.1% hydrogen peroxide when dentists can use a concentration of up to 6%. Thus, the effectiveness of the care products used in these establishments is debated. In addition, smile bars trivialize dental care and emphasize the aesthetic aspect, without controlling the oral health of their customers. You will certainly save money, a session costing between 80 and 150 €, but for uneven results.

Natural teeth whitening solutions are effective in the long term



Among the misconceptions conveyed on natural teeth whitening, the use of lemon occupies the first place. This treatment is actually an ineffective grandmother's remedy. The acidity of lemon is an aggression for your enamel and your gums. It will weaken your teeth for very little visible results. Your teeth will gain shine at best.

Baking soda

Using baking soda in addition to your toothbrushing is a very abrasive and harmful solution for your teeth. This product smoothes and polishes your teeth and will eventually damage your enamel irreversibly. Use it sparingly and in the right dosage. On the other hand, baking soda is particularly recommended for oral hygiene for its cleansing properties! Take care in case of gingival sensitivity, use it exceptionally, once a week maximum.

Plant charcoal

If vegetable charcoal is the most natural solution for whitening teeth, the fact remains that its action remains exclusively superficial. Used in powder on your toothbrush, charcoal acts as a reducer of residual stains that dull your smile. However, the effects are neither long-lasting nor complete. Only the outer part of the tooth is treated and the degree of abrasiveness naturally present in charcoal can over time cause premature wear of the enamel and great sensitivity to hot and cold.

Some products turn your teeth yellow and damage your teeth


Tea, coffee and alcohol

Did you know that consuming tea, coffee or alcohol produces an unsightly stain on your teeth? The high tannin content they naturally contain is the primary cause. These improper external discolorations of your teeth are, fortunately, not harmful to the internal dental structure. However, in order to avoid or slow down the appearance of stains on your teeth, consider consuming these products in moderation. Trick ! Using dental floss in addition to your usual brushing will eliminate the acidity contained in these products and reduce the harmful effects on your teeth.

The cigarette

If smoking is proven to be very bad for lung health, what about oral health? The toxic products contained in a cigarette such as tar and nicotine are responsible for the appearance of stains on the teeth and this yellowish discoloration that we so much want to get rid of. In addition, smoking accelerates the process of tartar development and therefore the appearance of cavities. For a smile whiter than white, put out your cigarette!

Link to care network Itelis and Sevean

As a member of Mutuelle Mieux-Etre, you benefit from an oral care network that gives you access to partner health professionals throughout France. We offer you pricing transparency for better control of your budget. Itelis or Sévéane offer? Consult us to find out which of the two you are eligible for!

For beautiful white teeth, do not put aside the elementary rules of dental hygiene:brush your teeth twice a day, do not use abrasive products and consult your dentist regularly for your annual scaling or in case of pain. Have you considered whitening toothpastes? If they only have a moderate effect on dental whitening, they nevertheless play an abrasive role and restore shine to your smile. They clean your teeth while gradually removing residual stains. A lower cost alternative:prices start around €3.
