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The company, a place to make a concrete commitment

The company, a place to make a concrete commitment

What if the company adopted a new, more responsible posture? The concept of CSR is increasingly interfering in organizations. But what is a CSR strategy and which companies have a mission? And above all, what solutions exist to engage at your level in the company? Here are our top 10 actions to put in place to help you fulfill your commitments within the company.

CSR? Quesaco?


CSR stands for “Corporate Social (or Social) Responsibility”. It is a concept defined by the European Commission since 2011 and which formalizes the contribution of companies to the challenges of sustainable development . It allows companies and organizations (we are talking about CSR here) to integrate social and environmental issues into their activities and give them a new impetus.

These questions are grouped into 7 main categories defined by the ISO 26000 standard:

  • The governance of the organization;
  • Human Rights;
  • Relations and working conditions;
  • The environment;
  • The loyalty of practices;
  • Consumer issues;
  • Communities and local development.

Even if CSR is a voluntary approach , France decided to give it a regulatory and legislative framework. This is the PACTE law of May 22, 2019, with which appears the name of company with a mission !

Companies with a mission

It is indeed the PACTE law, relating to the growth and transformation of companies , which introduces for the first time this “mission-based company” quality. Many in France believe that a business should look beyond its profit goals. This is the whole objective of companies with a mission that seek to define a course for the company, a societal mission that goes beyond the search for profit with the general interest in sight.

Engaging the company in a mission is obviously stimulating for employees, but also rewarding for managers and shareholders. The objective of this name is to combine the search for profit and contribution to the general interest.

Companies wishing to obtain the status of company with a mission must respect 3 rules:

  • Change their status to include their purpose , their social and environmental objectives and the governance that will follow the execution of the missions.
  • Declare this quality to the clerk of the commercial court to publish it in the RCS.
  • Have the execution of the missions checked by an Independent Third Party Organization (OTI).

But CSR is also something that is experienced daily in a company.

Our top 10 CSR actions to implement within your company

But in the field, on a daily basis, how does a CSR approach translate?

As an employee of a company, you can also be force of proposal ! In your private life, perhaps you already have the habit of ensuring a few fundamental rules of respect for the environment? Make your workplace a new place to fulfill your commitments!

To help you in this participatory approach , here is a top 10 of actions to implement around several themes:

The environment

1-     Develop recycling

At home, do you systematically sort your waste? Bring these best practices into your business. Paper, cardboard, plastic cups from the coffee machine:sort and recycle your office waste. With suitable containers, recycling habits are quickly established!

2-     Reduce paper consumption

If there is one way to reduce your waste, it is to reduce your paper consumption . It is easy in business to work for a more rational use of paper. Print only what is necessary, think of the double side and reuse the sheets as a draft.

3- Reduce energy waste

Make your colleagues aware of unnecessary energy expenditure! Does your business benefit from beautiful natural light? What is the point of leaving the room lights on all day? Also remember to turn off your computers and screens in the evening when you leave your office.

4- Invest in electric cars and limit team travel

Transport is also a place of commitment! Does your company have a “field” sales team? Suggest opting for electric vehicles, which pollute less and to book trips only when necessary. In the digital age, it is more and more common to talk to your client virtually! Finally, also think about setting up carpooling between colleagues:not only do you pollute less, but you save money and you strengthen social ties!

5- Make compost

Almost all homes have adopted it and it is now very coveted, even in town. Submit the idea of ​​a composter that would transform staff canteen waste into fresh compost. In addition, if your company has beds of plants and flowers, it will be able to use them to fertilize its soil.


6- Generalize telework

The COVID-19 pandemic imposed it for a time. Many of you have tasted it. Introduce teleworking and all your colleagues will thank you! If it is a better balance between personal life and professional life, it is also a productivity gain for the employee:do not forget to remember it! And the icing on the cake, working from home helps reduce electricity, water and heating costs:the planet will be grateful to you!

7- Optimize workspaces

Are you one of those who prefer to work in peace or do you prefer the bubbling atmosphere of the open space? Very often, you don't really have a choice. You can ask your management to study a better layout of your workspaces to create a mix and put everyone at ease!

8-     Prioritize health through an adapted workstation

Have you ever heard of the right posture to adopt at your desk? This is often easier said than done. Why not submit to your management several types of desks to alternate between sitting and standing or ask for adjustable and ergonomic chairs? Are you familiar with awareness workshops on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)? What is their interest? Adopt the right positions to prevent pain related to office work. Discover all our advice on the subject!

If many employees in your company are very sedentary, make them aware of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and the negative impact they have on health. Propose the organization of prevention workshops:they are effective in learning the right actions and quickly putting them into practice in your workplace. To go further and be accompanied on health prevention, discover our prevention actions in companies.

Society and the economy

9- Give priority to local partners and short circuits

By encouraging your company to obtain supplies from local players, you will thus promote local economic development and short circuits. For example, replace the cereal bars from the vending machine with a fruit basket from the local market gardener , that's a good idea!

10- Promote the employment of young people and seniors

Why are these two age groups so underrepresented in business? Encourage your HRDs to tap into this pool tomix generations and enrich your teams. Also promote intergenerational links within your company by organizing internal events! Seniors often have a lot to share with you!

Is your company committed to a CSR approach and needs to get its employees to adhere to its purpose? This is the opportunity to help him set a course by contributing to this noble mission. Do not hesitate to be a driving force in this structuring project in which you are all involved. And take the opportunity to give meaning to your work.
