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Brainstorming:how to organize an effective session in the company?

Brainstorming cannot be improvised. For this work technique, which makes it possible to solve problems and find new ideas, to be profitable, it must be organized. The brainstorming session can take the form of an exercise, a game or even a more structured meeting. How to make it effective? Here are our tips.

What is brainstorming?

The term "brainstorming" is an English term. It comes from "brainstorm" which means brainstorming. Of course, the English expression is the one used internationally. The technique is recognized and widely used. It consists in bringing together several collaborators in order to find, and even to collectively produce new ideas. At the origin of a brainstorming, there is always a lack of solutions to solve a problem or a lack of innovation.

Here are some issues for which a brainstorming session can be beneficial.

  • Working on a new product, service or concept.
  • Launch a new advertising campaign.
  • Dealing with a drop in traffic in a store or on a site.
  • Launch a Social Media strategy.
  • Integrating new technologies.
  • Change orientation.
  • Include a quality or environmental charter.
  • Target a new market.
  • Change range.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive. Sometimes it is a change in regulations or the arrival of a competitor that motivates the organization of a brainstorming session. For example, an independent restaurant may fear the arrival of a popular franchise in its neighborhood.

How to select participants for a brainstorming?

A brainstorming session revolves around several axes. The first, and arguably the most important, is the number of people to invite and their profile. There should not be too many people because it hinders creativity. On the contrary, if there are not enough participants, the ideas will run out. Ideally, a brainstorming should bring together between 8 and 10 people. Together, they will be able to propose their ideas and compare them.

More often than not, a brainstorming session is very dynamic. Participants are free to express themselves and even to judge the different ideas proposed. Thus, they find together a solution that best meets the expectations of the company. It is interesting to select people who are willing, but good brainstorming also results from the different expertise present.

How to boost creativity during a brainstorming session?

A brainstorming session is a success if solutions are found. To achieve this objective, it is imperative that the conditions boost the creativity of the participants. First of all, it is necessary to clearly explain the problem that will be addressed to the various employees. This process is done before the session to give participants time to reflect and sometimes to do some research. It is also necessary to select a facilitator. This will give everyone a voice, it will be able to fill the moments of silence, put people at ease and above all dissipate conflicts. This conductor must know the problem because he will help the collaborators to clarify their ideas and to argue them.

Follow up on ideas after brainstorming

A brainstorming session is not beneficial if the ideas are not followed through. At the end of the confrontations, the ideas must be shared, discussed, synthesized and selected. And above all, make sure they are feasible! To do this, a SWOT analysis can be performed. It makes it possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats around a project.

Following up on ideas is also a form of recognition for participants. If the proposed solutions are implemented, it is necessary to conclude the collaborators by proposing new tasks to them.

How to organize a brainstorming?

To organize a brainstorming, it is possible to create games. These activities should help boost creativity and facilitate exchanges. Here are some examples of exercises to put in place.

  • Work with several groups of different composition and compare ideas.
  • Ask participants to play a role, to be a particular person (customer, supplier).
  • Think into the future.
  • Propose a concept with a limited number of words.

The organization of a brainstorming session should be done over a day or half a day. It is interesting that the participants have nothing else to think about. This session can include a group activity, in the spirit of teambuilding. Thus, employees will be more comfortable together. Of course, meals should also be taken as a group. For the organization, it is possible to proceed internally or to delegate the task to a service provider. In any case, the collaborators who participate in the session must be confident.