Family Best Time >> Work

The ideal business is in New Zealand

Dean Hall founded RocketWerk, a company specializing in the design of video games, in 2014. Since then, the company designed to promote well-being and creativity has inspired employees around the world. And for good reason, at RocketWerkz, depression has no place! Unlimited holidays, breaks at any time... Everything is in place to make the 40 employees feel at work like at home.

Make you want to go to work in the morning

And the concept is not new:RocketWerkz was inspired by the pioneer in the field, the streaming giant Netflix. Since the 2000s, employees of the American company have been free to take as many days off as they wish! However, Dean Hall wanted to go even further by eliminating the imposed fixed hours and allowing its employees to stay at home in the event of a breakup or the death of a pet. A policy that may seem extreme to some, yet the company manager assures that it has not been the subject of any abuse for the moment. Its goal ? Quite simply to ensure that employees have the desire to get up in the morning to go to work every day.

And the bet is successful! The concept not only appeals to the inhabitants of Oceania, but many other talents from all over the world:more than 600 CVs have been submitted in just a few days! Indeed, it makes you want…