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The brown-out, the new pathology of employees?

You are familiar with burnout, a syndrome of professional exhaustion which manifests itself in disinvestment and a feeling of failure. You have also heard, not long ago, of bore-out, namely burnout by boredom caused by a lack of work. Now is the time for you to discover brownout, a new kind of illness theorized by British and Swedish researchers.

A "voltage drop"

It was in their book published last June and entitled "The Stupidity Paradox" that André Spicer and Mats Alvesson deciphered this new pathology linked to the world of work. This is a psychic "lower tension", linked to the absurdity of the tasks performed by the employee.

Being intransigent with your employees, worrying about numbers while putting quality aside, performing tasks that conflict with your ideals... The causes of brownouts can be multiple and no one is immune, because this evil can affect all trades, as the authors of the book point out.

54% of demotivated workers

Do you feel useless? Looking for meaning in your work? The missions entrusted to you are in opposition to your values? Be careful, you may be suffering from brown-out. A pathology that risks reinforcing the figures concerning the motivation of the French at work:according to an Ipsos study for Steelcase published in 2016, there would be 54% of demotivated workers in our country.