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A skewed work-life balance increases the chance of a burnout

According to 90% of employees, having a skewed work-life balance increases the chance of a burnout. About three quarters of employees know someone who has had a burnout due to a disturbed work-life balance. More than one in ten employees expect to have a burnout within a year under unchanged working conditions. Although both parties feel that they bear the same responsibility, it appears that they disagree on how to avoid an impending imbalance. Working Netherlands mainly seeks a solution in a private sphere, while the employer believes that starting a conversation is the most important measure. This is apparent from research by LinkedIn among employees and employers.

Employees rarely talk to employers about healthy work-life balance
Almost three in four employees indicate that they have sacrificed a good balance for work. In the event of an imbalance, they rarely look for a solution in the workplace, but mainly take care of the recovery themselves. According to employers, talking to your boss is the most important thing for employees (53%). This is in fourth place for employees, only one in three employees actually dares to do that.

Instead of starting the conversation, employees restore the balance mainly in their own time, by:
enough time for relaxation outside working hours (54%)
let go of work as much as possible in their free time (49%)
learn to listen better to their body (42%)

No policy
A good work-life balance is essential in the career path of the surveyed employees, according to 60%. For the majority of the surveyed employees (34%) this means that they feel the freedom to exercise control over the division of work and private life. Despite the growing threat of employee burnout and the consequences for both the professional and the organization, only one in three employers has a work-life balance policy. Remarkably, the same number of employers indicate that no policy is needed.

The most important figures at a glance
90% of employees believe that a skewed work-life balance increases the chance of a burnout
12% of employees expect a burnout within 1 year with unchanged working conditions
74% of employees the employees know someone who has had a burnout due to a disturbed balance
74% of the employees have sacrificed a good balance for work
53% of the employers indicate that they start a conversation with your employer is the most important measure
32% of employees dare to enter into a conversation
31% of employers have no policy and indicate that they do not need it