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Sick leave:what are the causes of burnout?

All companies can be affected by burnout.

One might imagine that it is only large companies that are at the heart of this problem. The waves of suicides by large groups have highlighted the suffering at work felt by many employees. Even if the pressure and competition can be tough within a large company, no one is immune to burnout! Whether in a large or a small structure, it is not uncommon for employees to take sick days. No sector is spared from burnout and burnout can happen faster than you think. Lawyer, teacher, nurse, communication officer… all women can one day be confronted with this pathology. Too much work, goals that are difficult to achieve, a boss who is never grateful... burnout spares no one!

Burnout is a period of exhaustion often leading to sick leave.

The causes of burnout are multiple, but there is a certain similarity between patients. Stress is the central and recurring factor, it even becomes chronic when work is omnipresent. You have the job of your dreams, you invest a lot, you are flexible and available at any time, even on weekends? Be careful not to forget yourself! If in addition you have a permanent pressure above your shoulders, you do not know how to say no and the stress becomes very important... You may have entered one of the phases of burn-out. The causes invoked during many sick leaves are also directly linked to the working atmosphere:poor understanding between colleagues, feeling of job insecurity or conflicting relations with management. We must never forget that if we suffer at work, the employer is partly responsible for this situation.

The causes of burnout are multiple and non-exhaustive!

Obviously, the list of causes of burnout is different for each individual. But we should not believe that burnout only affects fragile people. On the contrary, motivated, talented and involved people are the first targets! The real difficulty is to put a barrier between what you have to do in your job and what you should not accept. Burnout is very insidious, especially if you are a perfectionist! So to avoid sick leave, you sometimes have to take a step back, let go and accept not to control everything. It is therefore important to take care of yourself, to have a healthy lifestyle and to play sports. And above all, don't forget to have a drink with your friends to release the pressure and have fun!