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Employment of retired seniors:what are the rules?

Employment of retired seniors:what are the rules?

Being retired and wanting to stay in the labor market, or to return to it, is sometimes financially necessary when your retirement pension does not allow you to have sufficient income to live decently. It can also be a choice linked to the desire to continue to contribute one's skills to a company.

Nearly 500,000 retired seniors carry out a professional activity while benefiting from their retirement pension according to figures published by the Social Security public service portal. What are the employment rules for retired seniors?

Combination of employment and retirement under conditions

For all retired seniors from the general scheme, but also for civil servants, having a professional activity while being retired is possible and makes it possible to combine income from work with that of a retirement pension. However, rules must be followed. The first is to have ceased his previous activity in all pension schemes, with the exception of certain sectors:activities of an artistic, literary or scientific nature, accommodation in rural areas, linked to jurisdictions, etc.).

You must also have liquidated all your pensions, basic and supplementary. Then, to be able to benefit from the full accumulation of income from a professional activity and a retirement pension, the senior must have reached the age for obtaining full retirement. If this is not the case, he must be of legal retirement age and have reached the period of insurance necessary to obtain a full pension.

Retired seniors who do not meet the conditions to benefit from the full accumulation of these two forms of resources have the possibility of accumulating them but without exceeding a certain ceiling. The total income from employment and retirement pensions must not exceed the monthly average of earned income for the last three calendar months or 1.6 times the minimum wage. Beyond that, the pension is no longer paid.

Retired seniors who were covered by the self-employed social security scheme (RSI) also have the possibility of combining employment and retirement, either by continuing to work as a self-employed person, or by becoming dependent on another social security scheme and provided that their income does not exceed one certain ceiling.

Formalities to be complied with for retired seniors returning to work

A retired senior who resumes a professional activity can do so from the effective date of his retirement. If he returns to his former employer, he must sign a new employment contract. In all cases, the resumption of a professional activity of a retired senior requires that he imperatively inform his pension fund from the month following the date of this resumption of activity.

What rights for retired seniors who work?

A retired senior who starts working again no longer benefits from new pension rights via the old-age contributions paid on the occasion of his new activity if his basic retirement pension was liquidated from 2015. For pensions liquidated before 2015 , it is possible to acquire new pension rights if the old-age contributions are paid into a pension scheme different from that which the retired senior already benefits from.