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Burn-out, the truth about the symptoms of depression

What is burnout?

Burnout is a syndrome of professional exhaustion:in other words, your body's last resort to warn you that it is at the end of its tether. This is a specific form of work-related stress. The causes are varied, the symptoms just as much. Does your hierarchy make you see all the colors? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done? Or conversely, you are passionate about your work... and you devote body and soul, often neglecting proper nutrition and a good night's sleep. Stop wearing yourself out? Impossible. As a result, tensions build up… until depression.

Symptoms of burnout

Burnout is a very slow process, sometimes spread over several years… hence the difficulty in spotting it. The only solution ? Daily monitoring. No way to become paranoid! If you constantly feel sleepy and constantly feeling overwhelmed, watch out. Burnout is announced by a difficulty in letting go, the tendency to reduce leisure or excessive working hours. Increased consumption of tobacco, alcohol or coffee, sleep or digestive disorders? So many signals to watch out for before the appearance of a loss of confidence, extreme demotivation or generalized indifference.

Burnout and depression

The essential difference comes from the environment:burnout is a strictly occupational disease. It usually includes a depressive state. Depression, on the other hand, can have a variety of causes. Better known to the general public, depression is often spotted more easily. In the case of a burnout, it's easy to put the symptoms down to simple fatigue... and consulting a psychiatrist doesn't come to mind. Finally, depression can be diagnosed at different stages. When the burnout is proven, however, it is already too late. The body is exhausted from within and needs months or even years to recover.