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For more effective emails, the "5 sentences" method

Why send short emails? To save time but also clarity… it forces us to be precise! And it also saves time for our interlocutors.

Will Schwalbe is an American author. He wrote the book Send:Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better , in which he gives a radical technique to manage his mails well. For him, it is important to realize that people are now reading their emails on their mobile phones, so we must take this into account.

His method? Emails that contain a maximum of 5 sentences. It helps to manage the flow of messages we receive all day, the information is better imprinted in the brain, it forces us to go straight to the essential information... in short, it's an exercise that everyone wins by doing .

Because many complain of spending too much time behind the screen... This may be the beginning of a solution to "detox" a little. And if we are afraid that the person opposite judges us too brief, Will Schwalbe suggests copying and pasting an electronic signature with the link which explains why this email contains only 5 sentences... Just to convert everyone slowly... but surely!

The link of the electronic signature "5 sentences" to be copied and pasted HERE –>