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More cookie-cutter content:The benefits of original content for your website

Believe it or not, some recent reports suggest that up to 50% of American small businesses still don't have a website. As a result, you will be ahead of many of your competitors by simply creating a website for your small business.

SummaryIt makes your website and your business uniqueIt gives your website search engine optimization a boostIt gives your business more credibilityIt keeps those who visit your website engagedItoffers you great social media linksGet started to add more original content to your website today

But this is not enough. In addition to creating a website for your small business, you also need to fill it with lots of original content. It is important that you develop a content development strategy early on that focuses on using original content.

Original content has a host of benefits that you can take advantage of when you add it to your website from the start. Today we're going to cover some of the main benefits of doing it to show you what makes it so essential.

Discover the greatest benefits of adding original content to your website rather than using cookie-cutter content that you have slipped in from elsewhere.

It makes your website-and-business-unique

If your website looks like a lot of other websites and has the same type of content as those websites, you'll have a hard time making your small business stand out in the crowd. Your business will not seem as unique as you would like.

By putting more original content on your website, you will be able to differentiate your small business from other small businesses. People will notice that you bring something unique to the table and they will appreciate you for doing so.

It will change their impression of your small business as a whole. People will see your business working to set new trends rather than just following trends that others have created.

It gives-a boost to optimization of your website's search engines

Search engine optimization, better known as SEO, is something that will need to be at the forefront of your mind from the moment you create a website for your small business. It will determine how Google and all other search engines see your site.

There are plenty of ways to give your website SEO a boost. You can do this by:

  • Make sure your website loads fast
  • Include the right keywords and placements on your website
  • Get backlinks to your website from other sites

But arguably the easiest way to take your website's SEO to the next level is to create original content for it. This will let Google and other search engines know that your site is worth browsing.

You can manage the SEO of your website yourself if you wish. But you might also want to consider hiring a company that can create custom SEO solutions for your site. It will be well worth the investment on your part once you see your improved SEO scores.

It gives your business more credibility

Before buying a product from your small business or investing in a service, customers will want to know that your business is legitimate. And you're not going to look very legit if it's clear that you copied and pasted content from another website and put it on your own.

However, you will look legit when you have a website that contains only original content. You will have greater credibility with your customers thanks to this. You'll really sound like you know what you're talking about.

People will be more likely to hire your small business when it seems like you're an expert in your specific industry. They will know that they don't have to worry about anything when they buy a product or service from you.

Keeps-visitors-your-website engaged

In a perfect world, you wouldn't want potential customers to spend 30 seconds on your website and then leave to go see something else. You want them to stick around for a long time so you can show them all you have to offer.

But it will be a challenge to keep them on your site when you don't have original content to give them. If you have cookie-cutter content, it won't be engaging at all.

By placing original content on your site, you will make it as attractive as it needs to be. You should have no trouble getting people to stay on your site, which will increase the chances of them buying something from you, or at the very least contacting you for help. .

Apart from building a website for your small business, you will also need to establish a social media presence these days to be successful. You will want to create social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Additionally, you will want to use these social media accounts to direct people to your website. And it will be easy to do so when you have interesting original content on your site that people will want to take the time to read.

Driving traffic to your website through the use of social media won't be such a chore when your site has its fair share of original content. This is just one more reason why you need to commit to putting more original content on your site in the first place.


Building a website for your small business won't do you any good if it doesn't contain original content. As you have seen here, publishing original content on your site will prove to be of utmost importance.

You can start reaping the benefits of original content by putting it on your site today. It won't take you long to see how valuable this can be for your small business.

Get other great business tips that will help your business grow by reading the other informative articles found on our blog.