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Arrange the best meeting – 6 tips for success

Listen to each other, come in with an open mind, involve more and think about the importance of an inspiring environment. Arranging a meeting is an easy match. Making sure the meeting is a success is another matter altogether. We've listed six things to think about before planning your meeting.

1. Listen

Listening when someone else is talking without adding your own values ​​and analysis can be difficult. But it is also one of the most important parts of a meeting. Remember that the reason you are there is to meet and have a dialogue. Otherwise, you might as well make an appointment with yourself.

2. Come prepared

Prepare to listen actively and detach yourself from previous perceptions about people or projects. This way you enter the meeting with an open mind and you are impressionable. Prepare for how you will present your opinion so that it becomes a dialogue. If you have a decision-making role, this point is especially important so as not to end up in a situation where thoughts, inspiration and opinions are inhibited instead of growing and thriving.

3. Invite

Take in more perspectives and the ideas get better and better thought through. In addition, there is more effectiveness in implementation if more people are committed to the goals that are being discussed.

4. Choose an inspiring location

The environment of the meeting is more important than you might think. Several studies show that the outcome of the meeting is strongly related to the place where it is organized. Imagine how you feel in a small, dark and cramped room with bare walls and hard chairs. Then try to create the feeling you get when you enter a beautifully decorated, airy surface with intended details and an exciting design. It is easier to feel comfortable and emphasize new ideas in a pleasant environment.

5. Fill with energy

Some of the best ideas arise during the coffee break. A good break is therefore an important part of the meeting experience. Coffee, tea, beautiful pastries or healthy juices packed with vitamins. Pay close attention to what is served during the break and you will return to the meeting cheerful and full of energy.

6. Do something together

Do an activity that brings you closer together. Thinking about something completely different than working can be the best tip to get in the right mood at the meeting. How about a quiz or a cheese tasting?