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Customer relationship:8 tips for success

The customer relationship is also called customer relationship . Behind this English name hide all the tasks relating to interactions with customers carried out within a company. From prospecting to sales, from promotion to loyalty, customer relations are very important. How to do it? Here are 8 tips to follow to boost the activity of your company and optimize your turnover.

Definition:what is customer relationship?

The customer relationship is therefore the set of tasks that involve the customers of a company. It is essential to guarantee the good financial health of the company and especially to sustain its activity.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of customer relationship tasks:

  • Prospecting,
  • Communication,
  • The sale,
  • Loyalty,
  • After-sales service.

A good customer relationship leads to increased sales. Whether thanks to new customers or old ones, the missions that boost the activity are constantly evolving. They depend on the season, new products, promotions...

8 tips for successful customer relations

Customer relationship management allows a business to grow and prosper. Many means can be implemented by the different departments of a company. You should know that a good customer relationship is as beneficial for the company as it is for consumers. Here are some ways to put the customer at the heart of the process.

1. Listen and understand the customer

The customer relationship revolves around the customer. It is therefore essential to succeed to listen to consumers. How to proceed ? Here are some tips.

  • Organize your work around the client. You have to show him your interest and value him. Remember that today's consumers have a great need for recognition. When choosing the products and services they want to buy, they are interested in the brand or company behind it. So you must do the same. You are not selling, you are filling a need.
  • Identify the needs of your market. To sell, you have to identify the needs and expectations of your customers. And for that, you have to know them! Researching consumers has become easy. To achieve this, you can go on social networks and learn more about their interests. You can also create oriented questionnaires. Analyze all the information collected carefully. They are precious.

2. Prepare your pitches

Addressing a client is not done without a minimum of preparation. Before embarking on a prospecting, sales or follow-up phase, good preparation is necessary. It is necessary to know the information relating to the people to contact. You also need to know why you're calling her! To help you, list the information to communicate. A strong argument is impactful. It allows you to convince and sell better.

3. Create a persona

To best address consumers, it is a good idea to create a persona. In marketing, a persona, or buyer persona, is a fictional character representative of a company's typical customer. He has a name, a place of residence, an age, a profession and centers of interest. When customer relations missions are carried out, it is necessary to address the persona!

4. Define a good customer relationship strategy

The customer relationship is at the heart of business concerns. This is why each mission must be the subject of a good strategy. This should identify:

  • the positioning of a product or service (price, range),
  • the targets to be reached (new customers, current customers, identified prospects),
  • create customer experiences to refine your strategy,
  • continuously improve to build customer loyalty.

5. Cultivate your corporate culture

To interact with customers, it is imperative to always respect the culture of your company and therefore the image that will be perceived by consumers. Of course, it must be defined and known. Some companies communicate on their investments to the local community, others on the integration of disabled people, or even on recycling. These assets can be close to the expectations and interests of a client. So do not hesitate to communicate on it.

6. Use CRM software

CRM software, or customer relationship management , is an essential tool for a successful customer relationship. Thanks to it, you can collect and store information on each customer and each prospect. The more precise the file, the more efficient it is. You can then sort the information or select certain profiles in order to target communication actions.

The advantage of a CRM is that it is common to all employees. Thus, in the event of a request for information or a complaint, the request can be processed easily and quickly by all employees. The customer is satisfied and even, it is easier to retain him.

7. Working on the design

The design may seem distant from the customer relationship. However, these two elements are closely related. Both the logo and the graphic charter allow a brand or a company to be recognized. It must be in the image of the company, in accordance with the products and services marketed and appeal to customers. Attention, the design must be well chosen because it will be present on all communication media.

8. Multiply communication channels

To communicate better with your audience and therefore to improve the relationship, it is wise to use all the communication channels at your disposal. Among them are:

  • the website,
  • the blog,
  • the merchant site,
  • social networks,
  • e-mailing,
  • the prospectus,
  • the flyer,
  • the commercial brochure,
  • telephone prospecting…

Having a multi-channel approach makes it possible to make yourself known to a wider audience or to reach your target more effectively. Each communication channel has its advantages and disadvantages and is better suited to one situation than another. For example, in the event of a complaint, it is preferable to contact a customer by email.

Finally, be aware that the customer relationship can be partially delegated. This is the case of telephone prospecting or flyer distribution. Nevertheless, it is preferable that the company takes care of the management of the customer relationship because it is the company that knows its customers best!