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The best music to stay productive at work

Most of the knowledge workers you see grinding in coffee shops will be completely deaf to the world. Their headphones welded to the side of their skulls, shooting all kinds of genres into those eardrums. The same thing is increasingly happening in cubicles and open offices around the world.

But mostly gone are the days when managers thought that an employee who listens to music is an employee who doesn't do their best. It is now widely accepted that in many cases listening to music actually enhances Productivity, or at least it doesn't make us. Less productive.

In an article for The New York Times , Amisha Padnani explains:“Some workers like to listen to music when they find themselves losing focus. They can also plug in their headphones to escape an environment that is too loud or too quiet.”

The best music to stay productive at work

Music can help us both to alter our mental states and to distract us from the physical world. Whether it's to help us relax, the most relaxing songs of all time, according to science The most relaxing songs of all time, according to science "the most relaxing melody in history" is really one thing, and Scientists have determined a list of the top 10 Relaxing Songs. It's about time we revisit some of those more reassuring numbers. Learn more save us from unbearable boredom, focus on deep work Why self-discipline is the best productivity hack you need Why self-discipline is the best productivity hack you need What's the secret to deep work? Is it motivation or is it discipline? If you can't focus and get your work done, here are some habit tips to help you accomplish more. Read More

But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. You can't just hit play and become a productivity black belt. The best way to increase your productivity? Work less! The best way to increase your productivity? Work less! Wouldn't we all like to work fewer hours? Studies show that working long hours can lower your productivity. We'll show you what you can do to get more done in less time. Read more . A little music is great for some things but completely terrible for others.

In the case of work, this generally falls into two camps:mundane work and focused work . Listening to the right types of music when you're struggling to focus on one of these types of tasks can have a profound effect on your productivity.

The best music for mundane work.

Whether we like it or not, we all have mundane and repetitive tasks to do. Hammer through emails, data entry, copy and paste. It's all pretty boring.

When facing these mundane tasks, music can really help you overcome the abyss of despair.

The best music to stay productive at work

Interestingly, though, the benefit doesn't come from the music itself, but from the way the music alters your mood. Researchers at the University of Windsor call this. “positive mood alteration” [PDF].

Basically, a miserable and bored worker will slow down and become less productive. But with the right kind of upbeat, upbeat music, they'll find renewed energy and productivity soar. As long as they don't need to use their brains too A lot, in which case this type of energy-enhancing music will just be a distraction.

The Mundane Work Playlist

Ok you got me. There isn't one. There is no set playlist to help you complete your long list of boring tasks. The basic rule (and the good news) is that you should simply listen to what makes you feel good, keeps you focused, and increases your energy level. Naturally, something on the upside usually works quite well, but it's all subjective.

It doesn't matter if you listen to James Brown, Rammstein or Lady GaGa. As long as the music keeps your mind off the tedium of your job and helps you stay in the zone, does Burnout make you hate your job? 5 Ways to Find Your Flow Again Is Burnout Making You Hate Your Job? 5 ways to find your flow again Read More

The best music for focused work

When facing more difficult tasks that require their full concentration, the rules become stricter. That is unless, of course, you find yourself being more productive while in complete silence.

But if you find it hard to focus on hard work, the right kind of music might help. What you need are songs that cause a "positive mood alteration" That helps you to truly focus on your work, instead of forgetting about your boredom..

The best music to stay productive at work

That essentially rules out the distraction of fast-paced music required for mundane tasks. According to research from Cardiff University, the music we use to accompany mundane tasks often contains many acoustic variations. This affects your ability to recall information, which is vital to doing good, focused work.

What you need, instead, is music. without Those great melodic and acoustic variations. You should be on the lookout for ambient music with a focus on repetition. Research also shows that you should also be avoiding music that contains lyrics, as they activate the language areas of your brain and thus draw attention away from the task at hand.

No matter what tracks you choose to listen to, be sure to enjoy the music. Research from Xinzhuang University, Taiwan found that if you don't like music, your productivity will only be hampered. Even if it fits any other requirement on this list.

The focused work playlist

There are many music categories where you will find tracks that fit these requirements. The most common are classic, ambient chillout, video game soundtracks and natural sounds.

Classical music

A 2016 study by MindLab International found that classical classical music is a review of Primephonic:The Spotify for classical music. Primephonic Review:The Spotify for Classical Music. Primephonic is a new music streaming service aimed at lovers of classical music. What does it offer? And how does it compare to Spotify? Read More

Environmental Chillout

El chillout ambiental fue la mejor opción para cualquiera que trabaje con ecuaciones. Muchos programadores también confían en el chillout ambiental para ayudarlos a mantenerse enfocados mientras trabajan. Esto se debe en gran parte a lo fácil que es ignorar este tipo de música. Hay una selección decente de chillout ambiental en

Bandas de sonido de videojuegos

También se ha demostrado que las bandas sonoras de los videojuegos ayudan a mejorar la productividad. Esto tiene mucho sentido. Los desarrolladores de juegos producen a propósito bandas sonoras que agregan emoción a un juego, sin distraerse. Esto es exactamente lo que necesitas cuando quieres música que no te distraiga de tu trabajo. Hemos incluido una lista de estas en un artículo sobre las mejores bandas sonoras de juegos para estudiar Las 20 mejores bandas sonoras de videojuegos para estudiar o relajar Las 20 mejores bandas sonoras de videojuegos para estudiar o relajarse La música de los videojuegos está diseñada para promover el enfoque con pistas de fondo agradables . If you need some music to study or relax, look no further. Read more.

Sonidos naturales

Y finalmente, sonidos naturales 5 sitios con sonidos de fondo naturales y ruido blanco para ayudarte a enfocar 5 sitios con sonidos de fondo naturales y ruido blanco para ayudarte a enfocar Haz que la naturaleza suene parte de tu día. Here are 5 free resources for sounds to help you calm down so you can get things done, or just relax. Read more . La investigación muestra que los sonidos de la naturaleza ayudan a enmascarar los ruidos que distraen y, por lo tanto, aumentan la concentración. Hay un montón de lugares para encontrar este tipo de ruido de fondo.

Para Android prueba Nature Sounds. Para iOS, echa un vistazo a TaoMix. En su navegador, visite CalmSound. O simplemente busque en YouTube Descubra el sonido de la naturaleza en YouTube Descubra el sonido de la naturaleza en YouTube La naturaleza es la mejor medicina. Los sonidos naturales pueden disminuir la ansiedad, el estrés y el dolor. Si estás escuchando música en YouTube mientras trabajas o haces tareas, haz que los sonidos de la naturaleza también sean parte de tu día. Leer más para “sonidos de la naturaleza.”

Que escucharas?

En resumen, si le resulta difícil entrar en el estado de ánimo para hacer su trabajo, la música podría ser la respuesta. También es probable que ayude si el silencio o el molesto ruido de fondo lo alejan de su trabajo..

Pero el tipo de música que debería escuchar está dictado por el tipo de trabajo que necesita hacer.

Si te enfrentas a un atraso 10 maneras de salir de la lista de tareas pendientes 10 maneras de sacarte de la tarea de acumulaciones La sensación de ahogarse en una lista de tareas interminables es un temor común a todos nosotros. The cure is available. Here are ten ways to get your way back. Lea más sobre el trabajo mundano, cualquier cosa que aumente su energía y retire su mente del tedio de su trabajo probablemente le ayude. No importa qué género elijas.

Si está enfrentando un trabajo mucho más difícil, debe elegir música que le ayude a mantener su mente alejada de las distracciones y en su trabajo. Busque cualquier servicio de transmisión de música Spotify vs. Apple Music vs. Amazon Music Unlimited:Which is the best? Spotify vs. Apple Music vs. Amazon Music Unlimited:Which is the best? With the introduction of Amazon Music Unlimited, now is a great time to sign up for a streaming music service. In this article, we'll examine how Amazon's service compares to Spotify and Apple Music. Lea más, incluido YouTube, para los géneros mencionados anteriormente, y podrá encontrar fácilmente listas de reproducción fantásticas que cumplen con estos requisitos.

¿Qué música te ayuda a mantenerte productivo en el trabajo??