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Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

If you're the type of person who hits a productivity wall after a few hours of work, a Pomodoro timer could help you stay focused.

In recent years, the “Pomodoro Technique” has begun to infect the world. And everything is better for it. This productivity philosophy essentially forces you to focus on a task for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. Once you've completed four of these cycles, you'll take a longer break of 15-20 minutes.

Confused by how something so simple can make such a difference in your productivity levels? It Doesn't Work How a Simple Pomodoro Timer Made My Life Better How a Simple Pomodoro Timer Made My Life Better The Pomodoro technique is one of the simplest time management tricks. Break up distractions with the help of 25-minute clips and a timer. It could be a change of routine that will change your life if it suits you. Read more !

This is because when you set the benchmark so low (just 25 minutes of work) it's easier for you to find focus and get stuck. Short, routine breaks keep your mind fresh and your creativity flowing. And once you're buried in the Pomodoro cycle, the momentum is easy to maintain for hours on end.

Obviously, this is by no means a complex system. All you need to get started is a timer. Sure, the default timer on your phone. could Do the work. But there is far Better options out there on all the major platforms that are definitely worth checking out.

1. Marinara Timer

Price: Free
Available at: Web

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

With no registration required and a completely web-based interface, Pomodoro Timers don't get much more convenient than this.

When you land on the site, you can choose between three timers. The first is a basic Pomodoro timer, set to the standard time periods (25 minutes, with five-minute breaks). The second allows you to choose custom timeframes, in case the default ones don't work for you. And the third is a standard countdown timer that alerts you when the time is up.

Each timer you set gets its own custom URL. This is particularly useful if you want a group of colleagues to work exactly the same time.

2. Grapefruit

Price: Free
Available at: Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome extension

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

If you use Trello for task management Trello for Life Guide and Project Management Trello for Life Guide and Project Management Trello can help you get organized. It is a free tool to manage any type of project. Read this guide to understand its basic structure, navigation, and how Trello can help you. Read More This is a simple timer that turns each of your Trello cards into a Pomodoro task.

To get started, download the app to your computer (or Chrome), connect it to your Trello account, and select a Trello board. You can then choose the Trello card you want to start working on, and a 25-minute timer will start ticking. If it bothers you, you can pause the timer.

Once you're done with a task, you can move on to the next Trello card, helping you complete that task. Record 10 ways to get off the to-do list. 10 ways to get off homework. Drowning in an endless to-do list is a fear common to all of us. The cure is available. Here are ten ways to get your way back. Read More

3. PomoDone

Price :Free starter pack, $4.99 app download, with Pro packs starting at $1 per month.
Available at: Web, Windows, Mac, Android, Linux, Chrome extension

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

PomoDone is one of the most impressive Pomodoro timers in the world, which we have covered in detail before adding Pomodoro timers to your to-do lists with this app Adding Pomodoro timers to your to-do lists with this app The Pomodoro technique is one of the most effective ways to to increase productivity, and this app can integrate Pomodoro timers right into your to-do lists. Read more . Mainly because it syncs perfectly with your existing to-do lists. This means you don't need to waste time manually adding tasks to your timer. Plus, when you mark a task complete on the timer, it's automatically synced with the to-do list of your choice!

You can use the web version completely free of charge. That will allow you to connect the timer to two services. This is a limited list that includes Trello, Wunderlist, Todoist, Evernote, Google Calendar, Microsoft To-Do, or Toodledo. Productivity data will be stored for one month.

If you want to download the desktop or Android app, it will cost you $4.99. And if you want more than two integrations (covering almost all the popular to-do list To-Do List vs Todoist vs Wunderlist To-Do List vs Todoist vs Wunderlist Some to-do list apps are head and shoulders above the rest. But how do they compare and which one is best for you? We'll help you find out. Read More), Pro accounts start from $1 per month.

4. Pomodoro Tracker

Price: Free
Available at: Web

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

As another super simple option, Pomodoro Tracker is a completely free web-based option. At the beginning of each day, add each of your to-dos. 7 Tips to better manage your to-do list. 7 Tips to better manage your to-do list. Is your to-do list giving you nightmares? Perhaps you are trying to do too much at once. A sensibly compiled to-do list is needed for an efficient workflow. We can help. Read More This only takes a couple of minutes. When you're ready, press start and the timer will guide you through your tasks, sounding an alarm whenever you need to take a break.

Click on the Settings button, and you can change the duration of each cycle and pause, and also change the volume of notifications.

If you want to save your task history, you will need to sign up for a free account.

5. Clear focus

Price: Free
Available at: Android, iOS

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Although not available on desktop or on the web, Clear Focus is still a great option if you want to work with your phone by your side. With the free version, just type the name of your task, then press start . Each of your Pomodoro cycles will be tracked, so you can see your progress among a bunch of helpful graphs within the app. If you want to change the default duration of each session and break, you can do that too.

There is also the option to upgrade to the Pro version for $1.99. This will give you access to different themes (including a dark theme) 5 Windows 10 Dark Themes 5 Windows 10 Dark Themes Dark themes can help with eyestrain, make text easier to read, and are stylish too. the best ones for Windows 10. Read More), a pause button, and the ability to turn on “continuous mode.”

Please note that you do not need an account to use Clear Focus, so all data is stored on your phone. At the time of writing, there is no way to export your data.

6. Focus Keeper

Price: Free version or $1.99 Pro
Available in :iOS

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Personally, this is my favorite Pomodoro timer. In a nutshell, this is not a task management app, there are no integrations to worry about and no account to sign up for. This is more or less a timer, with a bit of gamification built in. And unless you want to try some custom timers, the free version should be absolutely fine.

As with most of these apps, you can change the default time periods to be as long or as short as you like. You can choose how many work sessions you want to include in each Pomodoro cycle (referred to as “Round” here). And you can choose how many work sessions you want to complete during the day.

At the bottom of the app, it's easy to see where you are, how many rounds you've completed, and how you're progressing toward your daily goal. There's also a "Charts" tab that shows how much work you've recently completed.

7. be focused

Price: Free version or $4.99 Pro
Available at: Mac. The Pro version is also available on iOS.

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Neatly tucked away in your Mac's menu bar, this unobtrusive timer lets you set Pomodoro round and break times. As with Focus Keeper, you can also set the number of focus rounds you expect to complete during the day. When you want to see how you've performed, there's also a pretty awesome reporting feature built into the app.

If you're happy to track your productivity on just your Mac, the free version will serve you well. But if you want to access and sync the app on your iOS devices, you will need to download the $4.99 premium app.

8. Focus Booster

Price: Free, or $2.99 ​​per month
Available at: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Another highly rated Pomodoro timer, Focus Booster is definitely worth checking out. As a basic timer, with customizable time periods, the free version is fine, though it's limited to just 20 sessions per month.

But it is the paid version that gives Focus Booster its place on this list. For "less than the price of a coffee per month," you get access to an impressive array of charts to help you better understand your duty cycles. But more than that, you can also use the timer as a way to track the work you do for clients. 4 Best iPhone Time Tracking Apps 4 Best iPhone Time Tracking Apps Time tracking can help you take productivity to the next level, and these great iPhone apps make it easier than ever. Read more.

You can save full or partial Pomodoro sessions to individual timesheets to help make billing less of a pain. And if you forget to use the timer when completing a task, you can always manually add it to the timesheet.

This is basically a timer for people who have fallen in love with this productivity technique and want to take the Pomodoro philosophy to the next stage.

Which timer will make you more productive?

There is a lot of similarity between all the Pomodoro timers. After all, each one is based on the same productivity technique:25 minutes of work, followed by five-minute breaks. Complete this four times, and you'll get a longer rest.

It's simple, but many people credit this technique with helping them increase their productivity. Squeeze Out An Extra Hour Every Day With These 10 Quick Tips Squeeze Out An Extra Hour Every Day With These 10 Quick Tips Some simple habits can help us shed some inefficient ways and increase our time pool doing the things that matter. These ideas can give you an extra productive hour each day. Read more.

Why not give it the green light? Use one of these easy timers to make the whole process easier, and let us know if this productivity technique works for you!