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6 books to boost your career

Whether you're looking for a new job or just want to move up the ladder in your current career, there are plenty of books on the market with advice to help you out. Here we list the 6 newest.

6 books to boost your career From employee to entrepreneur
More and more professionals are making the step from paid employment to their own company. Sometimes out of necessity, often out of a desire to discover entrepreneurship or to escape a lack of autonomy and challenge in a permanent job. They often don't know what they're getting into. Entrepreneurship appears to require a different mentality, especially after a long employment contract. Leni Minderhoud, coach of experienced professionals and starting entrepreneurs, therefore wrote the book From employee to entrepreneur. In her book she first deals with the bears on the road, such as the fear of losing certainties and the myth that entrepreneurship should be in your blood from birth. She then outlines how to become a successful entrepreneur with an original winner's formula. Minderhoud:'It is crucial that you start thinking from the customer's needs and not from your offer. That's a giant leap, but in practice anyone can do it, it's a different way of thinking. With my book I want to wake up that entrepreneurial mentality.'
From employee to entrepreneur
The winner's formula for free enterprise

6 books to boost your career Create your next job
In the book Create your next job, career expert Marjolein Kalter outlines an application method that allows you to stay out of the competition with hundreds of other applicants and create your own job. The approach is based on experiences with training courses for hundreds of job seekers. 70 percent of the average 48-year-old participants were employed within six months because they applied the method in whole or in part in their way of getting to work. Kalter developed the Baan as a Business method, inspired by the working methods of successful small entrepreneurs. “That way, job seekers become creative and develop the entrepreneurial employee in themselves. The essence is that they look for who they would be as a brand, what problem they can solve for someone else, who is willing to pay them for it, how they come into contact with it and how they conclude an agreement.” In the book Create your next job, Marjolein Kalter elaborates on the six steps of this new way of applying. ‘You create your job based on what you want, what you are good at and what is important to you. You seek contact with the employer you would like to work for because this employer promotes values ​​and a vision that you support. You find out which issue the company is concerned with in the field of your expertise and you make a proposal that you present to the responsible manager. Does the employer see a future in your offer? Then you have a new job.'
Create your next job €20

6 books to boost your career BABE, YOU GOT THIS
From girl with dreams to woman with success
More and more women are very successful from an early age. They have their own business or dream job, a great partner and a busy social life. All those perfect pictures are shared daily on social media. It inspires you, as an ambitious woman, to get the most out of life. And preferably today. But, where do you start? How will you achieve your goals? How do you sell yourself or your idea to others? How do you build an ultimate network? How do you persevere when things go wrong? And:how do you continue to combine all your ambitions and social life, without going crazy? In Babe, you got this Emilie Sobels (29), founder of Hashtag Workmode, and Martje Haverkamp (23) help answer these questions. They asked advice from 23 inspiring, successful female entrepreneurs and business prodigies from the Netherlands. Their road to success, including the necessary fuck-ups, inspires and motivates. And helps you, as a girl with dreams, to grow into a successful woman. Because successful women help each other:'Babe, you got this'.
Babe, you got this PRICE:€ 17.99

6 books to boost your career 'Yes She's Smart'
'A smart girl is prepared for her future'
Yes She's Smart – A Smart Girl Is Prepared for Her Future is a book aimed at young women now graduating from college or university. Women today are better educated than men, yet they barely make it to management positions and tops of organizations. Stadelmaier blames it on missing the right soft skills and wants to change that with her book. The book also prepares the reader for the choices she has to make with regard to partner, children and division of tasks at home. Yes She's Smart is a handbook for the first ten years after graduation. With the book, Stadelmaier teaches young women how to work more effectively, happier and more successfully. So that they are satisfied with their job, do not give up and - if they want to - can steam through to the top.
Yes She's smart
Price:22.50 euros

6 books to boost your career Hacking Growth:The Method Behind the Success of the Leading Companies!
It's hard to imagine , but Airbnb was once the best kept secret of travel hackers and couchsurfers; LinkedIn the exclusive domain for top managers and recruiters; Facebook the pathetic stepbrother of Myspace; and Uber a shabby start-up that had no chance against powerful taxi companies. How did these companies manage to grow into the powerhouses they are today? Contrary to popular belief, their worldwide popularity did not come from simply making a good product and then crossing your fingers to see if it catches on. Their extraordinary growth is based on a carefully implemented methodology, Growth Hacking. And it's not only applied by hip startups, companies like IBM, Walmart and Microsoft do it, as do millions of entrepreneurs, marketers and managers. Hacking Growth is the definitive book by Growth Hacking founders Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown. Ellis is CEO and co-founder of, the leading online community for growth hackers with 1.8 million users worldwide. Sean coined the term 'growth hacker' in 2010. He regularly speaks for start-ups and multinationals. Brown worked as a marketer at start-ups and started with Sean. Both speak regularly at major conferences such as SXSW, TechWeek and HubSpot.
Hacking Growth will be released on July 25, 2017.

6 books to boost your career Radically candid
Be a better boss with this new management method
From the moment we learning to talk we are taught that it is better to keep our mouths shut when we have nothing nice to say. Great advice for everyday life, perhaps, but – as Kim Scott has experienced – disastrous when managers apply it. Scott earned her stripes as a manager at Google and then moved to Apple, where she developed an education in optimal management. Her method has grown in popularity in recent years and has been praised and practiced by internationally acclaimed leaders. Radical candor can be found at the point where personal involvement and direct addressing meet. It is about giving direction with a mix of praise and criticism, aimed at better results and performance of employees. Excellent leaders have strong relationships with their employees. Scott has developed three simple principles for building a better relationship:
– Make it personal
– Get (sh)it done
– Understand why it matters
Radically candid written for leaders and those who lead them. It is based on years of practical experience and offers clear lessons that are immediately applicable. It shows how to be a boss without losing your humanity, how to find meaning in your work and how to create an environment where people love their work and their colleagues.
Radically candid | Released:August 15, 2017 | Price:€13.99