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7 skills that look good on your CV

When you're trying to land your dream job, there are skills that would look great on a resume and are in demand in most positions. So it's important to highlight them on your resume, because that piece of paper is how a potential employer will find out more about you, and you obviously want to make a good first impression. Here are some of the skills that would look great on a resume:

1. You can communicate well
Whether you work as a lawyer or handle customer complaints in a call center, you should always have good communication skills.

2. You can organise, manage and lead
Even though the only group you've been in charge of is the preschool remnant class, an ability to lead a group, organize different things, and respond to unexpected situations, such as something as simple as rain, will come in handy if you want to change careers.

3. You go a little further
Being willing to go above and beyond, as well as being able to anticipate the needs of your boss, customers or colleagues, are key factors for success in any industry.

4. Your performance is driven by your passion
If you choose a position, you are probably passionate about it. Also about the job you had before. That was probably why you chose it in the first place. Focus on the most important elements that made you choose this direction, not the negative ones that made you quit your job.

5. You are a multi-talent
Many positions require you to master different skills and be good at more than one thing, without losing sight of the most important. If you performed several tasks satisfactorily in a previous job, emphasize them.

6. You are a go-getter
Someone who doesn't give up easily and gets caught up in a problem is very attractive in any sector of the job market. Think of examples from previous jobs, but also from your private life.

7. You can be counted on
If you are always present, no vacation days wasted and you are not often sick, that can be your top selling point. Someone who can be counted on and who does not make people wait, meets one of the most frequently asked requirements. So if you're putting "trustworthiness" on your skills list, make sure you have specific examples as a backup if you're asked in an interview.