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Savings tips for the household

We Dutch are frugal people and like to keep an eye on the money. For example, we spend longer with our mobile, we increasingly do odd jobs ourselves and we continue to cook while on holiday. We also try to save on daily expenses, but this can always be better within every household. Insight into your expenses is the key. Here are some tips to help you get started with your expenses and save on your monthly costs.

Create a budget
To know what you can spend, it is first important to know how much money comes in every month, what your fixed costs are, what you need for groceries and birthdays, and how much you have left for other fun activities. things. With an online saving tool you get a nice overview of your income and expenses, so that you can easily draw up a budget for each month. You can also immediately see on which cost items you may be spending too much, so that you can already adjust your budget.

The messages
Unfortunately we still waste a lot of food. So shopping can be more efficient.
Do your shopping every week and determine in advance how much you want to spend. It is more convenient to withdraw this money so that you cannot spend more than planned. Stock up on things that are on sale and that you use often. Stick to the shopping list and don't be tempted. A test by Radar+ shows that shopping online can also save money (and time). You can also plant your own vegetable garden. Even if you don't have a garden. Growing herbs is easy on the balcony or on the windowsill.

Water, gas and energy
You can also save a lot on your energy bill if you use the electrical appliances and heating wisely. Therefore, switch off your appliances instead of on standby, wash with a full drum, turn the heating down one degree, use energy-saving light bulbs and insulate your house well. Do not use too much water, so do not shower for too long or leave the tap running unnecessarily.

Insurance A lot of money is spent on insurance. Switch to a cheaper one and see if you have unnecessary insurance. It is useful to consult an online comparison site for this.

There are many allowances and or subsidies that you may also qualify for. Think rent allowance, single parent allowance or health care allowance. And don't forget to request a refund of the payroll tax you paid from the tax authorities.

Do not cook more than necessary! If you do have food left over, freeze it! To save energy, it is wise to put a lid on the pans. And if you're making a large pot of soup, for example, first boil the water in a kettle.

Going out
Of course you also want to go out once in a while! A nice meal out, a day at the amusement park with the children or an evening at the cinema. This can easily be done cheaply by using various sites where you can consult an overview of discounts and vouchers.

Clothing and beauty
Of course you also want to look nice, and rightly so! You can buy clothes for little in the sale or a vintage store. Do you have clothes in your closet that you no longer wear? Then sell it on the internet or in a second-hand shop. A new haircut or a facial? With the students of the hairdressing schools and beauticians, this is possible for very little money.

Get started with these tips and you will see that you have money left over every month. At the same time, it also motivates to continue saving, so that you can put a little more aside every time to eventually do something fun again.