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10 things not to put on your resume

A resume is probably one of the most important documents you will ever create. And for this reason, many hire a professional to do the work for them. But if you prefer to create your own resume 15 Free Creative Resume Templates for Photoshop and Illustrator 15 Free Creative Resume Templates for Photoshop and Illustrator An amazing app can be the first step to landing your dream job. We've compiled the best free professional resume templates for Photoshop and Illustrator. Some packages include cover letters and business card templates. Read More

As a former department manager, I had my share of resumes for prospective employees on my desk. And to be honest, some of them just made me scratch my head. One could have become a star employee, but due to problems with their resume, they never got the chance. Remember, a resume is the first time a potential employer sees it.

When you work on your resume, the tasks are pretty obvious. You want to include education, relevant experience, and certifications. What is not There are obvious don'ts with creating a resume that I've seen many times. For that reason, we are here to help. This list of elements must not be included on your resume and we'll tell you why.

1. Objective or summary

Although in the past, an objective or summary at the top of your resume was the norm, it is no longer. If you're applying for a position, your potential employer already knows you want the job, and most of the time they'll miss your target.

10 things not to put on your resume

The only time you'll want to include a summary is if you're entering an entirely new industry. For example, if you've worked in hospitality for years, recently earned a degree, and are now looking for a career in technology How to Prepare for a Programming Interview How to Prepare for a Programming Interview Best advice for scheduling interviews. Any interview can be daunting. Do you know enough to pass? Will your solutions be good enough? What happens if you drown? Apply these five tips. Read More

2. Irrelevant or old work experience

Time gaps on a resume can often raise a red flag for employers. However, you don't have to list every job you've had since you were 16, unless of course you're 18 now. So what do you do if you've been in the workforce for decades? offers this advice:

The article also suggests that if you think past experience is essential to your resume, simply include the job title. Just be sure to ask yourself if it's relevant to the position you're seeking now.

3. Photographs or Images

If the position you are applying for is a modeling job, then a photograph is likely to be expected. But for other types of jobs, your resume should highlight relevant skills and experience, not your appearance.

10 things not to put on your resume

In addition to removing photos from your resume, you should also avoid others. You may think it enhances your resume to have a professional-looking, industry-related symbol at the top. However, this is a mistake. Keep your resume clean and save your photos and designs for your portfolio.

4. Hobbies or interests

You may like to spend your free time golfing, fishing, playing sports, or reading books, but does a prospective employer care? If the position you're applying for has something to do with one of your hobbies or interests, including it might help. If not, leave it off.

Business Insider says this about hobbies on your resume:

5. References or lines referring to them

In the past, you may have been told to include references on your resume. You may have been told to include a line like “References Available Upon Request” instead. However, you really shouldn't include any.

10 things not to put on your resume

If an employer wants professional references, they will ask you. This gives you the opportunity to contact your references first. Including that line that references references is as much a waste of space as having a reference itself.

6. Personal or private information

Your age, race, gender, religion, marital status, or political affiliations have no place on your resume. Potential employers are looking for your fit for the job. This is based on your skills, knowledge and experience, not your personal data.

And while many may find this obvious, never include your driver's license number, bank numbers, or social security number (which I've actually seen on resumes before). If you get the job, you will have to provide certain private details like these numbers. But you don't have the job yet, so protecting your privacy is key.

As points out, scammers are everywhere:

Remember to keep your information personal and private for yourself and your resume.

7. College Graduation Dates

Unless you are a recent college graduate entering the workforce, do not include graduation dates. The fact that you got your degree is what matters, not when you got it. Also, this can reveal your age, which, as we said above, shouldn't be on your resume.

10 things not to put on your resume

You must include degrees earned, certificates earned, and institutions attended, but graduation dates can be omitted.

8. Flat lies

We all know how competitive it is. Find a Job, Get an Interview Supercharge Your Next Job Interview With These 11 Free Tools Supercharge Your Next Job Interview With These 11 Free Tools It takes skill to land an interview. There are a plethora of apps out there that will help you improve your job interview skills. Let's take a look at each step of the interview process. Read More When you add up how many other candidates you're up against, it can be tempting to gain an advantage with some hype. However, deliberate lies won't get you very far.

A Monster article on this subject says:

Now, 34 percent may or may not seem high to you. However, do you want to be part of that number? Tell the truth, keep it real, and get that job based on what you can do, not what you can't do.

9. Inefficient formatting

Almost as important as what your resume says is how it looks. No potential employer wants to see a jumbled mess without consistency when viewing your resume. And there really is no reason for it. You can use online sites and tools. 5 Best Resume Builder Sites to Create Your Resume Online. 5 Best Resume Builder Sites to Create Your Resume Online. With the help of these tips, select the one that best suits your job search needs. Learn more, templates in Microsoft Word, or even create your own to highlight it How to Create a Resume Template with Microsoft Word How to Create a Resume Template with Microsoft Word Your resume could be the difference between interviewing for your dream job or never Talk to the Employer:Use these tips to make sure you're the best you can be. Read more.

Tenga en cuenta que los empleadores de hoy también pueden ver su currículum en sus dispositivos móviles, así que lea estos consejos. 4 Consejos para formatear su currículum vitae. Su currículum es amigable. 4 Consejos para formatear su currículum. all. Y eso incluye leer tu currículum. ¡Usa nuestros consejos de formato para llamar su atención y podrías conseguir el trabajo! Lee más para hacer que tu currículum sea más fácil de usar.

10. Errores de ortografía o gramática

Revise y vuelva a leer, use una herramienta de revisión de ortografía y gramática, y luego revise y vuelva a leer. No hay nada peor que leer un currículum profesional lleno de faltas de ortografía y errores gramaticales..

10 things not to put on your resume

No todos pueden ser expertos en ortografía y gramática. Pero en estos días, puedes usar herramientas como Grammarly o funciones integradas como el corrector ortográfico de Microsoft Word. Y, eso es sólo el punto de partida. Después de revisarlo, pídale a un amigo o familiar que lo revise, es posible que solo vean un error que no pudo ver.

Algunos son obvios, otros no lo son

Muchos de ustedes pueden leer esto y pensar que estos son resúmenes descaradamente obvios de no-no. Pero sorprendentemente, no lo son. Para aquellos que crean su primer currículum vitae, volver a ingresar a la fuerza laboral después de muchos años, o simplemente no están seguros, esta lista puede ayudar..

¿Has visto otras cosas locas en los currículos que no creerás Las cosas locas que las personas ponen en su currículum No crees las cosas locas que las personas ponen en su currículum vitae? ¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas más tontas que las personas han puesto en su currículum? Leer más en su posición? ¿O tal vez simplemente te sorprendió ver a alguien incluir uno de estos? Comparte tus historias para ver tu currículum vitae con nosotros en los comentarios!