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4 books to boost your career

Whether you're looking for a new job or just want to move up the ladder in your current career, there are plenty of books on the market with advice that can help you. Here we list the 4 newest.

4 books to boost your career Champagne every day – Handbook for the female leader
Female leadership is desperately needed. Because typically female leaders offer professionals what they need in times of major change:autonomy, feedback, coaching and social support. But women in leadership positions often struggle to stay afloat and keep it going. Annemarijke van Etten wrote Every day champagne, a handbook for women starting out in management. In this book you will discover how you can optimally use your feminine energy to develop your own style and become a good manager:empathetic, clear and result-oriented. At the same time, it is a practical book for the starting manager. How do you make the most of your first 100 days? Which leadership style do you choose? How do you get the best out of your team? And how do you balance work and private life? Dossier building and leading meetings are discussed, as are putting together your team and assessing employees.

Champagne every day helps you celebrate your successes and offers countless advice for meeting the daily challenges of leadership. Four seasoned female leaders candidly talk about their main pitfalls and insights.

Champagne every day
Handbook for women starting out in leadership

4 books to boost your career The grit factor
Why do talented people often struggle to achieve their goals, while less gifted individuals sometimes deliver astonishing feats without a fight? Based on her own story as the daughter of a scientist who often complained about her perceived lack of intelligence, Angela Duckworth describes her career through education, consultancy and neuroscience. It led to the hypothesis that true success comes mainly from a special mix of complete surrender and the determination to work towards your long-term goals:grit. In this book, Duckworth, winner of the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, explains her theory and helps everyone determine their own grit factor based on six core values:hope, effort, precision, passion, rituals and priorities. The grit factor goes beyond clichés such as 'success is above all hard work' and offers a fresh and motivating way to achieve unprecedented results yourself.

The grit factor

4 books to boost your career 10 healthy work habits
Healthy living, feeling energetic and performing optimally, we all want it. However, not everyone succeeds. Physiotherapist Rogier van Hoorn sees more and more professionals getting out of balance. He developed a change model, using the experiences of top business executives. In his book 10 healthy work habits, Rogier van Hoorn shows how you stay vital under stress and hectic, at home and at work. The author provides practical tips and a model to permanently change your behaviour. In the book he describes how you can achieve your dreams in small steps, by setting achievable goals and turning them into “small habits”. For example, a small habit is to take a short walk after lunch. If you do that daily, it becomes routine. Then you no longer need willpower, but it is just like brushing your teeth.'

10 Healthy Work Habits provides insight into your energy balance and helps you identify which energy sources have been disrupted and how to prioritize and create healthy habits. The book can therefore also be used as a periodic vitality check. Complete with exercises at the office, recipes and sleeping tips.

€ 17.50

4 books to boost your career The Conflict Shed
'1 in 6 employees suffer from undesirable behavior such as bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment at work. This leads to burnout complaints for more than a third of this group of employees. This often means extra absenteeism, a bad atmosphere at work and reduced employee involvement. Disagreements are everywhere, but as soon as disagreements turn into conflict, bullying and ruining the mutual atmosphere, action is called for. This book presents a new idea:the Conflictloods – an employee in a company who, in addition to his or her 'normal' work, also has a special role in preventing, combating and resolving escalating disagreements or bullying behaviour. The win-win situation when using an internal Conflict Warehouse is great:business processes are less hindered by interpersonal obstacles and the resulting absenteeism decreases.

€ 29.90