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3 ways to use experiential learning to boost your career

Most of us can conjure up an image of the boring professor buzzing around endlessly in front of dozing students. While the centuries-old lecture format can be an effective way to transfer knowledge, it doesn't necessarily teach more. In fact, studies have shown that students' attention tends to drift after the first 10 minutes of a lecture.
On the other hand, students gain lasting understanding when they are asked to actively teach or to use concepts, according to Eric Mazur of Harvard University. Additionally, when given the opportunity to practice what they have learned, student retention rates average 75%, compared to an average of 20% for courses alone.
Think about the number of times you've said, "I'll understand better once I try it myself." Building on this, experiential learning can better prepare you for the career of your dreams and cultivate the entrepreneurial skills you need for any job.
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Many graduates will tell you candidly that very little of what they learn in the classroom is directly applicable to their work. When I was in school, for example, I memorized theories and then regurgitated that knowledge on a test to get an A. But after taking a management job after graduation, I realized that the theories I had learned in class hadn't necessarily helped motivate me. my employees – and my career depended on their success.
Later, when I started my entrepreneurial journey, I realized that although I learned how to write a business plan and make financial forecasting, I have not learned how to make changes, listen and act on concerns, or galvanize others to support my mission.

Experiential learning allows you to master concepts without numbing creativity or innovation. It fosters the Zuckerbergs, Musks and Wojcickis of tomorrow and engenders an entrepreneurial mindset that is invaluable in whatever job you choose.

These are all important skills to have, no matter what field you are heading into. A 2017 National Association of Colleges and Employers survey found that the top three strengths employers look for in entry-level candidates are teamwork, problem-solving, and written communication skills ( verbal communication ranks fifth).
Beyond job-creating skills, experiential learning helps students understand what they love. For example, an internship opportunity can help you decide whether you would be happier working for an established software company or an evolving startup.
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Now, while I helped develop an entrepreneur center at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, I've seen firsthand how experiential learning can generate many insights and deeper understanding that propels students into an entrepreneurial mindset – an important mindset to have, even if you don't want to. not start your own business. It can hold the key to the innovative ideas, big and small, that set your career apart from others.
I strongly believe that college and professional courses that don't talk on entrepreneurship, without providing students with a way to be entrepreneurship, seem to completely miss the point. Students must be able to ideate, prototype, learn, iterate, reflect, and fail.
Here are three steps you can take to seek out career-boosting experiential learning opportunities:
1. Be intentional when selecting courses.
Spend some spend time in lecture halls because learning theory is critical, and look for courses that also emphasize applied or experiential learning. Simulated experiments, hackathons, accelerators, and applied training sessions are some of the best practices in experiential learning.
Experiential learning courses provide authentic experiences in which students can practice teamwork, resilience and tenacity in the face of problems. They create a safe environment to make mistakes and learn from them, and they result in deeper learning where you can transfer what you've learned from one context to another.
You'll find that a good experiential learning course offers a personal journey using three approaches:classroom rigor, examples from real-world practitioners and peers, and a learning ecosystem. These three approaches, but especially the third, make you an active player in shaping how your education improves your future.
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At UMSL, for example, we help our students establish a theoretical and practical basis for entrepreneurship. Our certificate course in entrepreneurship requires 18 hours of lessons, some of which are dedicated to learning the theories that underpin innovation and entrepreneurship. Our capstone course requires students to build a viable product and a minimum business plan. Similarly, Rice University has built its Idea Lab to encourage entrepreneurship in the academic areas of the university.
I know that many students may never start their own business, but a foothold in the entrepreneurial spirit – taking risks, solving problems and taking initiative – will set them apart from the pack when they apply.
2. Get on-the-job experience.
An internship makes you more likely to get a job because you've developed practical skills in communication, self-discipline, and time management. In fact, a 2016 report on hiring millennials found that graduates who complete three or more internships are more likely to land full-time employment.
An internship can also help you hone in on your aspirations professionals. In the same report, more than 81% of graduates said internships helped them change career direction significantly (34.8%) or slightly (46.3%). So, don't feel trapped while applying. Gaining experience outside of your primary industry, home country, and target industry is a great way to grow into a well-rounded professional in a competitive job market.
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You'll probably have to step out of your comfort zone, but how do we grow and learn as human beings? Who knows, you may even discover a hidden talent or passion. Use personal contacts, reach out to local businesses, and search relevant websites to find internships that match your goals.
3. Join organizations focused on your career goals.
Career-focused organizations give you access to like-minded people and allow you to take the knowledge you learn in the classroom and apply it to real-life situations . An entrepreneurial-minded organization, for example, exposes you to people and experiences that amplify innovation know-how.
One of the many benefits of joining a career-oriented organization is that gives you the opportunity to network. You will create valuable connections for the job search. You are also likely to learn teamwork and leadership skills. And when choosing between two equally qualified candidates, employers are influenced more by leadership and extracurricular activities than by other candidates.
Don't feel pressured to give up on these valuable organizations after the job is over, either. your studies. For me, experiential learning was missing in my educational journey, so I decided to make up for lost time by joining the Entrepreneurs Organization – a global peer-to-peer learning group divided into local communities. Once a month, I meet with 10-12 fellow entrepreneurs in an informal advisory board. We share our experiences and explain how they have shaped us in terms of establishing values, creating trust and more.
Students should be active in the learning process rather than serve as passive receptacles for the knowledge. Experiential learning allows you to master concepts without numbing creativity or innovation. It fosters the Zuckerbergs, Musks and Wojcickis of tomorrow and engenders an entrepreneurial mindset that is invaluable no matter what job you choose.
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