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Passion for your work is attainable!

People who haven't found the perfect "fit" in a career can rest assured:there is more than one way to achieve the passion at work. Contrary to wisdom, a love at first sight experience isn't necessary when assessing a potential job, according to a new study. “The good news is that we can choose to change our beliefs or strategies to gradually cultivate passion or seek compatibility, and it can be just as effective in the long run to achieve this coveted experience,” said the lead author of the study. study.

The predominant mindset is the belief that passion is achieved through finding a fit with the right line of work, or "one's passion." An alternative way of thinking is that passion can be grown over time as a gain competency in line of work. Researchers examined people's expectations, their choices, and outcomes associated with each of these two mindsets, termed "appropriate theory" and "development theory." They found that both mentalities are equally effective in achieving well-being in an occupation. What differs is how they motivate people to achieve this result. So if you haven't found your passion yet or don't know where it is, you can learn to develop it!