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10 traits you need to be successful in your career

Whatever work you do, we all have to overcome obstacles and setbacks at some point in our lives. These challenges may seem insurmountable, but what sets the successful, or at least the ones on their way to being successful, is their resilience and confidence. Some call it grit. However, it is most commonly known as mental toughness. The traits below prove that you are mentally resilient, and if you can embrace at least a few of them, you are on the road to success.

1. Emotional Intelligence
People who are emotionally intelligent are good at identifying and coping with their own feelings and those of others.

2. Letting go that it's your right
If you let go of the idea that you somehow deserve the best opportunities in life, you'll be better able to tackle the challenges as they arise .

3. Flexibility
Mentally resilient people are able to look for different solutions to problems that arise.
If you always stick to the same strategy, you will only get the same results.

4. Confidence, challenge, control and commitment
These four characteristics are seen as the cornerstones of mental toughness.

5. Being Progressive
Resilient people see the past as something they can learn from, but they don't dwell on it. Instead, they make sure they don't make the same mistakes again and move on.

6. Calmness
Controlling your feelings is critical to managing difficult situations, and those who are mentally tough are good at this.

7. A positive attitude
People with great mental strength are not natural complainers. Venting every now and then is perfectly natural, but it's best to focus your energy on finding solutions rather than negativity.

8. Sense of urgency
Instead of sitting back and waiting for something to happen – be it good or bad – mentally resilient people are always engaged and connected to the situation around them. They know what is good and what is bad, recognize opportunities and spot threats, and deal with all these things immediately.

9. Consistency
All good habits only matter if you practice them over and over. Stick to schedules, set goals, keep building the best team around you, and always embrace responsibilities.

10. Gratitude
No matter what challenges you face, it's important to be thankful for the things that went well. For example, even if a business has failed, be grateful for the lessons you learned and use them to improve things next time.