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How to be happy and successful in your career

For many people, 2016 was a year of ups and downs. With so much unpredictability in our lives, many people see 2017 as the perfect opportunity to take back control. And what better place to start than the workplace? A common belief in our modern world is that happiness comes as a result of success. People often focus all their energy on finding good jobs, working long hours, and chasing qualifications, in order to appear successful in the eyes of the world, with the idea that this will bring contentment and happiness later on. However, we may have more income and more material comfort, but this does not make us happier. In fact, as levels of material wealth rise, so do levels of anxiety and depression. Here are tips on how to be happy and successful in your career, according to the 4Ps of Positive Leadership, centered on the book The Positive Leader by Jan Mühlfeit and Melina Costi.

1. Positive People.
Building strengths - the 'Who'.
Understand who you are. Identify and capitalize on your strengths to unleash your full leadership potential. Nurture talent and work on top teams by demonstrating that you care and pay attention to what people are good at, not their shortcomings. Be authentic!

2. Positive Purpose.
Personal Mission &Ultimate Vision – the 'why'.
Your purpose is to add value to the world and be happy in the process. Pursue your own meaningful mission by leveraging your unique strengths, values, and passions. Inspire and be inspired by aiming for the highest vision for you and your team… and perhaps even achieve the impossible.

3. Positive Process
Energy Management - The 'How'
Manage energy (yours and other people's) to achieve excellent performance without going too hard. Become a CEO and lead by example and direct the collective energy of those you lead. Avoid classic burnout by paying attention to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resources.

4. Positive Place
Success vs Happiness - The 'Where'
Follow your heart instead of the rat race to the place where success and happiness are in balance. Happiness produces success. Putting happiness first can help you learn positive living strategies that bring meaningful rewards to you and your team, while also delivering results. Help others and use your position of authority to make a difference in the world.