History knows the most successful people. Because they have been so successful, they have failed more than others. In doing so, they have discovered how to make it work—in the way they lived, their routines, their failures, and their habits. Here we show you their formula for success, the tips and tricks they used to be successful at what they did best.
Life doesn't bend to your schedule. Find the time.
WA Mozart
Find the place where you can work best. Make it your 'cell'.
Don't be afraid to deviate from your schedule.
Benjamin Franklin
Distraction is no excuse. Learn to deal with it.
Jane Austen
Set a time for concentration.
Thomas Mann
Have a purpose – die trying.
Karl Marx
Track your assets. Fooling yourself is for amateurs.
Ernest Hemingway
Time pressure sharpens the mind.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
There is no ideal environment to work in.
William Faulkner
Guard your first design with your life.
Charles Darwin
Stay in the zone, whatever it takes.
Pablo Picasso
Bring it to an end.
James Joyce
Don't just work in places to be seen.
Agatha Christie
Bleed the hours of your life, if your work is worth it.
Louis Armstrong
Enjoy the solitude.
Maya Angelou
Walking restores your soul.
Charles Dickens
Inspiration is everywhere. Bring a notebook.
Victor Hugo
Find your zen.
Herman Melville
Never miss a day.
Leo Tolstoy
Find what works for you, and use it.
Mark Twain
Time melts when you find your target.
Vincent van Gogh
If you have a moment of clarity, don't let it go.
Alexander Graham Bell
Don't cheat. It will figure you out in the end.
Ayn Rand
Habit is the bed of creativity. Immerse yourself in it.
Stephen King