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9 Clever Bots to Boost Your Productivity

Slack is a great team communication tool that offers a host of integrations 25 Weird and Wonderful Slack Integrations You Must Try 25 Weird and Wonderful Slack Integrations You Must Try After too many sleepless nights scouring the depths of the internet and drinking too many Red Bulls, I've managed to create a list of 25 Slack integrations (out of 45) that should... Read More But it also provides a variety of bots that can help you and your team get things done. By using a bot, you and your team members can continue to work without opening separate applications.

These awesome bots help you manage tasks and projects, get and provide updates Solid Tips to Master Slack and Be the Most Effective Employee Solid Tips to Master Slack and be the Most Effective Employee Don't have a strategy for managing Slack? It's time you got one. You can't let Slack do all the work for you. Try these tips to make effective use of Slack. Read More

1. To-Do Bot for task management

Create, assign, and track your team's tasks, all within Slack using the To-Do Bot. When you create a task for a team member, they will be notified. When they're done, they just click the Done button. button. Tasks are grouped by channel for better organization.

You can set the priority and due date, view all tasks, view tasks assigned to you, and receive a daily reminder of incomplete tasks. The bot also offers a web dashboard to check tasks, lists and get useful reports. This allows you to quickly view tasks by status and assignee.

If you have a completely remote team, To-Do Bot is ideal. You and your team members never have to leave Slack to get on with your tasks. For a quick and easy way to assign tasks to your team, this bot works great.

2. Treats for project task management

For more detailed task management, you can create projects using Treats. With this bot you can start projects and tasks directly within Slack or using the Treat web dashboard. From there, assign tasks to your team, set priorities, view activities, and generate reports.

When you assign a task to your team member using the Treat bot, they will receive a notification. Then, they click on the start button when they start, the Pause button if necessary, and the Done button when finished. You can then see these states on the channel where you start the mapping.

You must be careful to enter the commands in Slack exactly as the format you see while typing. Or use the web interface that provides prompts for your actions instead. Overall, the Treat bot has a variety of cool features for managing projects within Slack. How To Use Slack For Project Management With These Simple Tips How To Use Slack For Project Management With These Simple Tips With Slack's smart feature set and distraction-free user interface, the platform can double as a project management tool for you. Learn how to set it up as your personal online assistant. Read more.

3. to create smart tasks from messages

Another Slack project management tool is This bot allows you to easily create and assign a task from any message within Slack, making it very handy. You can set due dates, priority, status, and alerts. Additionally, the bot will offer intelligent task suggestions over time. The more you use it, the smarter it gets.

You can also create and assign bulk tasks using code snippets and stay up to date on each team member and channel. If you need to plan an impromptu gathering, can help. Set up and start a meeting with a simple command, then tag your team members to invite them. is easy to use, convenient to use, and allows you and your team to stay on task without leaving Slack.

4. DailyUpdates to request updates

Save time by tracking your computer's status each day with DailyUpdates. Simply set up the schedule and questions to ask on the website and the DailyUpdates bot takes care of the rest.

You can set what time questions should be asked, what days of the week, what questions to ask, and how long to give for answers. Then select an existing channel or create a new one to receive your team's list of updates.

9 Clever Bots to Boost Your Productivity

Your team does not have to enter any special words or characters. When the DailyUpdates bot asks the questions, users only reply in plain text.

5. SnippetsBot for update reports

For a weekly summary of your team's status, check out SnippetsBot. Your team members can give a quick rundown of what they've completed this week and what's on their plate next week. The bot uses simple three-word triggers to do this.

To start, you type start . Then, to add achievements or completed tasks, type Done followed by the element. For what you plan to do next week, type Next followed by the element. Finally, if you have an obstacle in your way, type Block followed by the element.

If a user has not completed their snippets, they will receive a reminder. Then, every Monday, SnippetsBot will generate and display a report of all snippets for all users from the previous week on your channel.

6. Niles to set up a Wiki team

If you're interested in setting up a team wiki to save time answering the same questions over and over again, meet Niles. This bot will build a knowledge base based on the answers you provide to the bot's questions. Then your team members can simply ask Niles a question to access the wiki.

Niles will also recognize common questions from messages in Slack and answer or add to the knowledge base. Information may change over time and Niles takes this into account. You will receive weekly notifications to review responses that may be out of date.

9 Clever Bots to Boost Your Productivity

This bot is useful for many types of businesses and teams. 14 The Best Automated Bots You Need for Your Slack Channel 14 The Best Automated Bots You Need for Your Slack Channel If you're running a business, you can set up Slack and have bots do the menial tasks. 24/7 while getting on with more important things, like conquering the world. Read more . Use it for new hires with business questions, sales teams that need answers for customers quickly, or to create a glossary or how-to guide for a product team.

7. Meeting bot for planning and managing meetings.

Easily plan and manage meetings with the Meeting Bot. This convenient tool connects to Google, Office 365, and Exchange accounts. When you or a team member need to schedule a meeting, the bot will display availability for all invitees. You can then quickly select the right time.

Additionally, Meeting Bot will book the meeting, show available meeting rooms, and remind attendees if they are late. You can also review an analysis of meetings over time with two data tables. The first will show you the meetings of the last three months with hours per week. The second will show you the day and time distribution for the last three months. Both are useful for seeing the amount of time you and your team spend in meetings.

9 Clever Bots to Boost Your Productivity

For scheduling meetings without having to stop what you're doing to check everyone's availability, Meeting Bot is a great tool. And helpful reminders for latecomers are the perfect touch.

8. GoodTalk to create meeting agendas

To set up meetings and agendas within Slack is GoodTalk. This convenient bot allows you to add meeting agenda items, keep track of what was discussed, and include a summary. You can mark the items discussed and those that are not marked will remain on the agenda of your next meeting.

You can also use the GoodTalk web interface to view meeting agendas. While you can use the bot for larger team meetings, it's intended for one-on-one. This makes it ideal for employee reviews or simple check-ins with certain team members.

Instead of going back through Slack to find talking points or create an agenda The 15 Best Meeting Agenda Templates for Microsoft Word The 15 Best Meeting Agenda Templates for Microsoft Word These meeting agenda templates for Microsoft Word can give you a great I start any kind of meeting. Read More Your next meeting agenda will be ready and waiting when you need it.

9. Spacetime to navigate time zones

When you work with a remote team across the world, it can be difficult to remember everyone's time zones and work schedules. That's why you need Spacetime. Once you and your team members sign up, the bot is ready to use.

First, you and your team members will fill in the information on the website. This includes location, work hours, and any blocked hours. You can then add a time to a message with Spacetime to display the time zone and the current time for all team members. You can also invite Spacetime to your channels and mention the bot when posting a time. Also, you can see the local time of a specific user.

9 Clever Bots to Boost Your Productivity

While Slack lets you click on a person's profile to see their time zone, this handy tool helps you plan better by displaying everything at once.

What's your favorite Slack bot for productivity?

You'll find plenty of Slack bots available for productivity and better communications. 5 Tools That Make Slack Even Better. 5 Tools That Make Slack Even Better. If you want to see where the web is going, you should give Slack a try. It's replacing email for internal communications, and third-party tools make it even better. Read more . Each one brings to the table its own unique characteristic.

Do you have a favorite that helps you or your team stay productive? If so, let us know in the comments below!