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The best YouTube channels to hack your productivity

There is certainly no shortage of productivity tips out there. But in a world where video is king, YouTube is arguably the best source of tips and tricks to help you get even more out of your days.

If you are someone who prefers video to text or audio, the channels on this list will have you covered. They cover everything from showing the breakdowns of popular productivity books, to explaining the hidden features of your favorite to-do list apps. To-Do List App vs Todoist vs Wunderlist To-Do List App vs Todoist vs Wunderlist Some to-do list apps are head and shoulders above the rest. But how do they compare and which one is best for you? We'll help you find out. Read more.

If that's not enough, though, check out our selection of practical tops. productivity blogs and the best productivity audiobooks and podcasts Top 10 Productivity Audiobooks and Podcasts Top 10 Productivity Audiobooks and Podcasts Still wasting downtime? What you need is a healthy dose of productivity tips. Listen to one of these productivity audiobooks and podcasts to use every second of your day. Read more . That will ensure that no stone is left unturned!

1. Productivity game

As a Productivity Game subscriber, each week you will be offered a short deconstruction of a new productivity book.

These animated videos do not act as a replacement for reality reading The books, though. Rather, they focus on one or two key lessons from the books that include The Lean Startup and Working things out (previously mentioned). This is a great way to learn some quick productivity techniques. Squeeze an extra hour out of every day with these 10 quick tips. Squeeze an extra hour out of every day with these 10 quick tips. of time doing the things that matter. These ideas can give you an extra productive hour each day. Read more, and choose your next book.!

2. Gary Vaynerchuk

If you are looking for a YouTube channel to show you how watching 3 motivational videos a day changed my life How watching 3 motivational videos a day changed my life Do you want to see if motivational videos have any kind of impact on your life? If you have a dream that you've been putting off, try a life experiment by watching motivational videos every day. Read More

Entrepreneur and best-selling author, Vaynerchuk epitomizes the busy lifestyle. Seeing how he regularly works 15+ hours a day to build his media agency, his DailyVee series will really show you what it means to be productive..

3. DottoTech

Every week you will find two new technology-focused products. Do you feel overwhelmed? Having! 4 time management tools to keep you from feeling overwhelmed? Having! 4 Time Management Tools to Save You Do you have a hard time staying productive because your mind keeps wandering to deadlines, appointments, or urgent tasks? We show you smart time management tools that will help you relax, refocus, and get things done. Read more videos posted on the DottoTech YouTube channel.

They are usually aimed at helping you better use your apps and software, including Evernote, Dropbox, Google Maps, and Chrome.

Although not all the videos on this channel will be relevant to you, you will surely find many useful tips to increase your productivity.

4. Evan Carmichael

Carmichael is a prolific video creator, with over 600,000 dedicated followers. His videos are mainly focused on sharing the wisdom and lessons of super successful people, from Steve Jobs to Bruce Lee..

Along with this, he will also find videos on motivation, sleep and decision making. Do these cognitive biases have a negative impact on your decision making? Do these cognitive biases negatively affect your decision making? Read more . Many of these videos, however, focus on entrepreneurship. Keep this in mind.

5. Ramit Sethi

Best-selling author of I'll Teach You To Be Rich (UK) and the founder of a multi-million dollar blog of the same name, Sethi is, in his own right, a master at getting things done. But his YouTube channel doesn't just focus on his own advice on self-improvement and productivity. Most of the videos of him are snippets of conversations he has had with top artists from around the world..

There is a lot to learn in these short videos. That includes how to negotiate a better salary, improve your soft-talk skills, and use waves of motivation to create better habits. How to use Spark's microhabits and massive personal change. How to use Spark's microhabits and massive personal change. Creating new habits is hard. Habits are usually built over weeks or months of repetition, and the motivation is the challenge. When the going gets tough, microhabits can go a long way. Read more.

6. Robin Sharma

As "One of the world's most trusted leadership advisors," Robin Sharma is in a perfect position to teach you more about what it takes to improve your game.

Although many of his videos are more dedicated to self-help and motivation, mixed in with that content is a lot of practical advice. Just a couple of examples are his 90-90-1 rule and his advice on getting up at 5 AM every day.

7. CollegeInfoGeek

Yes, this channel aims to help students improve their learning. Use this web and mobile device highlighter to remember what you read. Use this website and mobile highlight bookmark to remember what you read. An inline highlighter is one of the simplest tools you can use to focus on chunks of text. Read more . But you can use the tips in the videos at almost any stage of life.

If you want to remember more of what you learned, give better presentations Become a better public speaker by imitating these TED Talks Become a better public speaker by imitating these TED Talks Imitation can be the best way to learn if the source is correct . If you want to become a good presenter, the best TED Talks can show you the best points for public speaking. Read More

And with over 600,000 subscribers, you can be sure the quality is there.

8. Mariana's study corner.

Another channel aimed at students, Mariana's Study Corner will show any student how to keep their heads down and get more done. It will certainly come in handy in a university environment full of distractions. Or for anyone prone to procrastination.

From folder organization tips to effective note-taking methods, here's a handy tip you can benefit from right away.

9. Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is “The most listened to audio author on personal and business success in the world today..” his videos contain just a few of the tips and methods that he shares in his real life seminars and lectures..

These include videos explaining how to combat time poverty or how to overcome procrastination. And since most of the videos only run at 5-7 minutes in length, it's a channel that's very easy to follow.

10. Francesco D'Alessio

If you're interested in trying out the latest and greatest productivity apps, D'Alessio's relatively unknown YouTube channel is for you. With his feedback and suggestions for new and popular productivity apps and software, as a subscriber he will always be on top of the productivity app world.

For a couple of particularly great videos, you should check out Choosing the Perfect Task Manager and How I Use a Calendar.

11. One percent better

The weekly self-improvement videos that this channel publishes will offer you a lot of practical productivity tips. Most of the videos are breakdowns of teachings found in productivity books or proven techniques used by top performing artists.

You can take these videos as lessons in themselves or use them as starting points to delve deeper into the ideas they contain.

12. simplicity

In a word, “Simpletivity is dedicated to helping people be more effective and efficient at work.” The goal is to help viewers be more productive by finding simple and elegant solutions to productivity problems.

As soon as you bookmark Simpletivity, you'll see that this is a channel focused on quick and practical tips, from showing how Trello cards repeat to explaining how to use Google Keep without folders. Browse the video files and soon you will find some ways to save a lot of time.

Which channels have we lost??

Whoever Said YouTube Was a Time-Wasting Site 10 Time-Wasting Habits You Should Quit Today 10 Time-Wasting Habits You Should Quit Today A minute here or there doesn't seem like much, but it adds up! Could it be that you are wasting your time on mindless habits? We will show you daily tasks that you can abandon. Read More Subscribe to just a few and you'll have a non-stop stream of tips waiting for you every time you sign up. You'll learn about the latest productivity app tricks, the flaws of proven productivity systems, and much more.

Be careful not to succumb to information overload Top 5 News Curation Apps to Fight Information Overload Top 5 News Curation Apps to Fight Information Overload You have so much competing for your attention:news articles , Reddit posts, tweets, Facebook posts, but what if you could curate it all in one place? Read more . All this advice is worth nothing if it is never acted upon.

While these are the best productivity channels I've found, there are probably a few I've missed. If you know of other channels that should have been included here, please share them in the comments!