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What is best for productivity?

If there's one buzzword that defines the modern white-collar environment, it's productivity . We are always looking for ways to minmax (i.e. minimize inefficiency and maximize efficiency), in the hope that we get more done in less time for less effort.

Multitasking is one of the most common methods for this, and the ability to multitask is often lauded as a desirable trait. But it turns out that multitasking isn't necessarily the silver bullet for productivity. 4 Popular Productivity Tips to Ignore 4 Popular Productivity Tips to Ignore Some of the productivity ideas being sold to us are sometimes unfounded and often wrong. We're going to debunk some of these productivity myths by showing that the opposite can be true. Read More

If you really If you want to minimize your productivity levels, we recommend that you read on. It's not enough to simply multitask; you have to know when to multitask. Otherwise, you could be shooting yourself in the foot.!

Why is multitasking respected?

The heart of multitasking is overlapping . You have so many things to do on a given day, but you only have so much time to do it. Every minute that passes is a missed opportunity. Taken one at a time, your tasks can take up most of your day!

What is best for productivity?

So the obvious answer is overlapping multiple tasks at once, freeing up time that would otherwise have been wasted. It's the same thought process behind the design of multi-core processors. What does "Dual Core" and "Quad Core" mean? What does "Dual Core" and "Quad Core" mean? A long time ago, your CPU came with only one core. These days, most CPUs are at least dual core, and more likely quad core. But what does dual, quad or octo-core even mean? Read More

What is best for productivity?

But that's just surface stuff. When applied correctly, multitasking can improve your productivity by increasing your motivation, willpower, and even creativity.

For example, the concept of grouping of temptations it's a useful practice when there are tasks you need to get done, but you just don't care enough, ultimately leading to major bouts of procrastination. How to Stop Procrastination:The Only New Year's Resolution You Should Make How to Stop Procrastination:The only New Year's Resolution you should make is the habit of procrastination and start acting without waiting for the right time. Stopping the procrastination is the only New Year's resolution you need. This is why. Read more.

In short, the lure of bundling is the practice of only allowing yourself to do an activity you enjoy when you combine it with an activity you need to do, but don't necessarily enjoy. The term was coined and refined by behavioral economist Katherine Milkman, but the idea has been around for a long time.

If you want to know about this technique, we recommend that you read the transcript of the Freakonomics podcast episode where Milkman explains everything, including the results of her own research of the phenomenon:

And then there is the concept of multitasking on the go , which has been shown to improve creativity and motivation, not to mention the many health benefits of not sitting at your desk all day 4 Serious Health Problems From Sitting Too Long And How To Avoid Them From Sitting Too Long and How To Avoid Them When you work in a job that requires long hours sitting in front of a computer - programming, accounting, writing - it's all too easy to sit in that position for eight to nine hours of work... Read more:

If we apply the above statements (which are from this article in The New Yorker ) then it's clear:whenever possible, walking while you work can improve your productivity. Of course, the more mental your job is, the easier it will be..

When multitasking fails

You may have noticed a trend or pattern in the various examples offered in the discussion above:multitasking is only beneficial when one Of the tasks is cognitive. Trying to juggle multiple cognitive tasks is where things break down.

Consider this study on multitasking:

In other words, for every additional cognitive task you try to juggle, your performance on each task will deteriorate. This can manifest itself in many ways, but the two most common are reduced efficiency (tasks take longer to complete) and increased failure rate (tasks complete incorrectly).

That's why multitasking is actually a bad thing for most white-collar professionals.

The solution to multitasking is, unsurprisingly, a single task. You focus 100% of your attention on a single cognitive task and pour your energy into it from start to finish. Instead of dividing your limited mental resources, you focus on one thing at a time.

In fact, your brain will thank you in the long run:

But don't stop there. You can get an additional productivity boost by performing a one-time test of your devices. Productivity Hack:The Surprising Benefits Of Using Your Apps On Separate Devices Productivity Hack:The Surprising Benefits Of Using Your Apps On Separate Devices If your app is installed everywhere, then your notifications are everywhere. To be productive, you may want to try to access certain apps only on certain devices. The experiment may surprise you. Read more too.

One last thing to keep in mind:many people confuse multitasking and serial tasks Thinking they are the same, but they are not. Serial tasking is kind of a hybrid between multitasking and singletasking, which brings us to our final point...

Which side is the real winner?

Both soloing and multitasking are good; the challenge is knowing when to use which. But after everything said above, we hope that the challenge is now trivial.

Long story short, multitasking it's best when you can combine a cognitive task (such as reading, programming, writing, etc.) with a non-cognitive task (such as walking, running, or in some cases driving). When done this way, multitasking remains efficient.

By juggling more than one cognitive task, doing a single task It is by far the best approach. However, for longer tasks, when it's more difficult to maintain attention, it's sometimes better to take an alternative approach.

What is best for productivity?

Serial tasking is when you switch between multiple tasks every 30-60 minutes, but give 100% of your attention to the given task every time you make a change. It is a comfortable medium between the two extremes..

You may notice that this method has some similarities to the Pomodoro Technique. Waste of time with these Pomodoro Technique applications and software. The application of the technique with Pomodoro. It infects amateurs and professionals alike. As a writer, I suffer from procrastination on a daily basis. Some people... Read More The serial task takes advantage of the principles behind time boxing in a way that improves mental alertness and helps curb procrastination tendencies:

If nothing else, it's helpful for those who struggle with short attention spans. Reclaim your focus:5 ideas for dealing with short attention spans. Claim their attention:5 ideas for dealing with short attention spans. Ironically it has damaged our ability to absorb any of it. However, you can take steps to improve your care with a few simple steps. Read more . (Unfortunately, that means most of us these days.)

Here's the bottom line: Wear whatever keeps you productive. 5 habits that farmers have that can increase their own productivity. 5 habits that farmers have that can increase their own productivity. deadlines no matter what. Read more . If you can multitask, do it. If you get stuck, shuffle your tasks so you can do a single task or even a serial task. Just know that certain activities are more suitable for one or the other.

Which works best for you? Are you an experienced multitasker or do you prefer to focus on one thing at a time? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!