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Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

Templates are some of the most practical tools that we can use to create documents. Whether you need a template for a new or existing business or any personal task, templates help us make your document faster and easier than starting from scratch.

So, to help instructors, teachers, and teachers looking for a way to speed up document creation throughout the school year, here's a list of Microsoft Office templates just for you.

List of emergency contacts

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

Get ready for a new school year with this emergency contact list template. You can list the names of all students, their primary and secondary contacts with three phone numbers each, and any medical conditions or concerns.

This is a great Microsoft Word template to keep your students' emergency contacts in one place.

Student information sheet

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

To keep track of the details of each student individually, this student information sheet template is ideal. Start with basics like contact information for the student's parent or guardian, including physical addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Then use the second page to list the concerns. There are sections for allergy and medical details, academic issues, social concerns, and an area for anything outside of those categories.

Volunteer sign-up sheet

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

When looking for help in the classroom, with donating supplies, or planning field trips, you may need to reach out to parents and guardians. This volunteer sign-up sheet template for Microsoft Excel works well for most any type of activity or event.

Volunteers can add the job or activity, the date and time, their name, address, phone number, and email address. You can use this sheet to keep track of those willing to lend a hand and easily contact them when it's your turn.

Short class syllabus

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

If creating a short syllabus at the beginning of the school year is part of your task, then check out this Word template. Begin with the objectives for the class. Then make a list of needs and resources, including background details required, materials needed, print resources, and online resources.

You can add rules, policies, and rating scale details in the policies section, include additional information if needed, and end it with your contact information. For a short syllabus for a single class, this template helps you do just that.

Longest class syllabus

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

Another good class schedule option is the following Word template. It includes the same basic information as above, but in a slightly different format. The instructor's contact information is at the top, followed by a course summary. Below you will see sections for class objectives and materials needed.

The course requirements area is more extensive, as it breaks down items for more detail. You can list your point system for tests and assignments and provide descriptions of participation and attendance. The end of the syllabus template has spaces for student expectations and general policies that include rules for written assignments, exams, and email.

This template is perfect if you want to expand your syllabus and need those extra sections.

Monthly Attendance Workbook

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

Get ready to keep track of who shows up to class and who doesn't with a time sheet template. This one for Excel is useful because it includes a tab for each month. You will then see a tab for year-to-date attendance that automatically populates from the other tabs.

You can use student IDs and names and have room for 30 students. Instructions for using the template are located on the first tab of the year-to-date summary.

Weekly attendance sheet

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

If you prefer a weekly timesheet, this next template is for you. For Excel, the template has spaces for a room number, term, teacher, course, and week for you to enter directly.

Make a list of your students' names and then follow the simple key for their attendance status. Present, late, unexcused and justified at the top. So you can only enter one mark for each student's attendance option for that week. This also makes taking a look at the overall attendance for the week easy.

Basic individual lesson plan

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

For a very basic and simple lesson plan, this template works. Fill in the sections beginning with the teacher, title, subject, and grade. Then continue with the objectives, the materials needed, a brief description, and the lesson. And it ends with the evaluation, source and standards sections.

If you want a short and sweet lesson plan template, this is a good option for Word.

Organized Lesson Plan

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

If you prefer a longer lesson plan with a clear structure, check out this organized lesson plan template for Word. Using a table format, you can enter a code for the lesson plan and course reference. Then enter the topic or course, topic, lesson title, level, and lesson length.

The following sections of the chart are for objectives, a summary of assignments, materials or equipment, references, and take-home assignments. So if you're looking for a more detailed lesson plan, then this is the one for you.

Weekly Lesson Plan

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

The following lesson plan template is not for individual classes but for weekly planning. You can quickly add the lessons you are planning for the first through eighth periods of the day as needed.

When you enter the date of the week, the days and dates in the plan are automatically adjusted. There is a place at the top of each day for notes and a larger place at the bottom as well. If you use a weekly lesson plan, you'll like this template for Excel.

And if you're looking for a real calendar on the market, check out these calendar templates for Microsoft Office. The best free Microsoft Office calendar templates to stay organized. Monthly or yearly calendar, these free printable Microsoft Office calendar templates can help you stay organized this year. Read more.

Parent/Teacher Conference Form

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

If you teach elementary or middle school, then you'll likely set up parent/teacher conferences at least once during the school year. This Word template can help you start planning those important meetings.

The top of the form has all the basics with the names of the school, student, and parent/guardian. It's the bottom of the shape that makes things easier. There are three sections for strengths, concerns, and ideas. You can check the boxes for the items that apply in each section, add notes to each one, and include more comments at the bottom.

Meeting with each student's caregiver is a tall order, but this template makes it easy to prepare.

Conference registration

Best Microsoft Office Templates for Back-to-School Teachers

If you want something less formal for parent/teacher conferences, then this Word template might be the way to go. Less structured, it still has places for basic details at the top.

You can then write more descriptive text for each of the sections instead of just checking the checkboxes. Fill in Effort and Progress, Behavior and Social Skills, and Goals and Plans. There are points for parent questions and concerns, as well as additional topics.

This type of template allows you to fill in what you need before you meet and then write down more details during the conference.

These office templates for teachers get an A+

Focus on the class, the lessons, and the instruction you give, rather than the documentation. These handy templates for Microsoft Office should help, and we also have several educational PowerPoint templates for you.

And if you want to help your class even more, we have a list of helpful templates for students 15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students 15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students and Homework. Whether you're a student or a parent, getting ready for the school year will be a breeze. Read More