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Job:the right rhythm is to change it every three years

If at one time, having a career in the same company was synonymous with stability and success, the arrival of Generation Y on the market has changed the situation. From now on, mobility is no longer viewed with suspicion by recruiters, quite the contrary. A study carried out by the professional social network LinkedIn has shown that the correct frequency for changing jobs is every three years.

Change jobs to earn more

Yes, contrary to what one might think, employees who are on the move are highly appreciated by employers. First, because they would train faster, but also because their desire to diversify, their thirst for learning, their quest for novelty and their desire to develop projects is highly sought after on the labor market. Moreover, nowadays, seniority and salary no longer go hand in hand. New employees would even earn more than those who choose to stay in the same box for years. Forbes magazine states that “employees who work for a company for more than two years earn 50% less money, over their lifetime, than those who are constantly looking for a challenge”. Last, but not least, changing jobs and companies regularly (about every three years) would allow you to be fully fulfilled in your professional and personal life!

Enough to make us review our career plan, right?!