Family Best Time >> Work

What is the right to disconnect?

If the Labor Law is very controversial, here is a measure that should be unanimous:the right to disconnect, mentioned in article 55 of this law. In short:outside working hours and during holidays, you shouldn't have to answer your phone or work emails. Something we all do, right? Especially since today, accessing your professional emails is super easy from your smartphone and you often use your personal line for work. The idea of ​​being forced to disconnect seems rather very good. Yes, but…

No penalty provided

In practice, the application of this right is a bit complex, since the law only specifies that its implementation will go through negotiations for companies that have a union representative. “Failing agreement, the employer will still have to implement this right. “Not very clear, therefore, especially since no sanction is provided for by law in the event of a breach of this right. However, we can now answer Duboss that we are not available in the evenings and on weekends and that it is the law that says so! Well, in fact, we will have to change our habits above all, because checking your emails at 10 p.m. and on weekends is sometimes a nasty habit that we do without thinking (and without pressure).

And if you have a little trouble doing it, we remind you of these 5 golden rules for disconnecting...