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What is the CNRACL? 2022 payment schedule

What is the CNRACL? 2022 payment schedule

The National Retirement Fund for Local Authority Agents (CNRACL) is the special social security scheme responsible for providing old-age insurance for civil servants in the territorial public service and the public hospital service. The CNRACL, which is a national public establishment, was created by an ordinance of May 17, 1945. This organization has the particular missions of paying retirement pensions to the civil servants concerned and of helping the most modest of them financially. /P>

Main mission of the CNRACL:the payment of pensions to local and hospital civil servants

The CNRACL is a special pension scheme for civil servants in the territorial public service and the hospital public service. It is managed by the Pensions and Solidarity Department of Caisse des Dépôts, under the authority of its Board of Directors. Its objectives and management are defined in a three-party agreement concluded with the State and Caisse des Dépôts for a period of 5 years. The last one which was signed (for the period 2018-2022) highlights 3 main objectives:to facilitate access to more complete and more personalized information for affiliates and to renew the relationship with the employer; simplify treatments and enhance diet management performance.

The operation of the CNRACL pension scheme is based on the pay-as-you-go system, i.e. active civil servants pay contributions which are used to pay the pensions of retirees from the territorial and hospital civil service.

The CNRACL is thus responsible for paying the retirement pensions of 1.2 million civil servants. With With 2.2 million active contributors, it is one of the leading pension schemes in France.

Pensions are paid to the retirees concerned once a month, according to a schedule set each year by the CNRACL Board of Directors. At its meeting on September 20, 2019, the retirement pension payment schedule for 2020 was defined as follows:

CNRACL settlement date

January 2022

January 27

February 2022

February 24

March 2022

March 29

April 2022

April 27

May 2022

May 27

June 2022

June 28

July 2022

July 27

August 2022

August 29

September 2022

September 28

October 2022

October 27

November 2022

November 28

December 2022

December 23

The other missions of the CNRACL

Granting disability pensions

The CNRACL also has the role of covering the risks of permanent professional incapacity of local and hospital civil servants. It thus pays an invalidity pension to civil servants who are unfit for work due to events that occur within the framework of their service or not, and in the event of an occupational disease contracted during the performance of their duties. This disability pension may be accompanied, subject to conditions, by a disability pension or financial assistance if the official concerned requires the assistance of a third party.

A social action policy in favor of modest pensioners

In addition to its activity of paying pensions to retired civil servants from the territorial and hospital public service, the CNRACL set up a Social Action Fund (FAS) in December 1978. The FAS responds to its action policy social support for the poorest of the retirees it manages.

Through the FAS, the CNRACL thus makes it possible to pay modest retirees financial aid that is non-refundable, neither taxable nor recoverable from an estate. They are intended to help keep a dependent or disabled retired civil servant at home, to cover specific health expenses (complementary health care or medical expenses), to help pay energy bills, linked to the use of a domestic help at home, the installation of remote assistance at home or even accommodation arrangements. The FAS can also intervene in the case of one-off expenses related to serious difficulties (unforeseeable charges, funeral expenses of a loved one, expenses related to damage to the home in the event of a natural disaster, etc.).

As part of its social action policy, the CNRACL also offers aid intended to cover part of the accommodation and transport costs related to the holidays of the retirees it manages, but also holiday vouchers or the possibility to build up savings for their hobbies and benefit from a contribution from the FAS to contribute to its financing.

On the other hand, the CNRACL provides financial aid to help cover part of the costs of accommodation in a retirement home, for example. Finally, this organization offers social loans to its policyholders at attractive rates that have nothing to do with those of the market.

Prevention actions

The CNRACL has also adopted a mission of prevention through the implementation of actions "intended to reduce the number of accidents and to ensure better working conditions for territorial and hospital agents ". For this purpose, the National Prevention Fund (FNP) was created by a 2001 law. publish statistics on the subject concerning local authorities and public health establishments and to participate financially in the prevention measures that the latter put in place.