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Job search:how to change jobs at 30?

At 30, we have everything to please

Certainly, physically, we know each other and we take on each other rather well; we will have no trouble knowing whether it is rather our mouth or our eyes that we must put forward if we want to seduce. We know if our best asset is our long, slender legs or our generous breasts. This can help on recruitment day, but in reality, when it comes to attracting an employer, our best ally is our CV. When we are 30, our diplomas are not that old, and compared to those of seniors, ours, they still exist! And compared to those of the juniors who have just obtained them, we have put them into practice, our diplomas. We can say where and explain how, and tell what it brought to the company that employed us. When you're 30, you know what you want and above all what you don't want (or no more):you know how to say no to a contract clause that doesn't suit you, you know how to see the pitfalls before they do not close in on us and we know how to determine whether we will be able to carry out such and such a mission. At 30, we have already worked, we know each other, we know what we are capable of, and we know how to say it! When you're 30, you no longer have the impertinence of youth, and not yet the indolence that comes later:you're on top! Motivated, dynamic, full of enthusiasm in front of each new challenge, which we know how to take up with flying colors. When you're 30, you have your own little network. And it's very useful when you need a graphic designer urgently the day before closing or a place to store the 200 bouquets of flowers to be delivered the next day. When you're 30, you don't have a child yet:you're mobile, you have to work on Wednesday afternoons and evenings, even when all the crèches have closed. You can accompany a colleague to Germany for a weekend. That's good, we still speak a little German (yes, classes aren't that far away!). When it comes to looking for a job, at 30, you know how to sell your little experience.

At 30, we still believe that anything is possible

And we no longer have the fear that we had at 20! And after a few years in the same place, it's legitimate to want to change jobs, we still have so much to live for! Before being held back by the schooling of children or by aging parents, we are still open to a whole host of possibilities:it is the best time to change jobs! We have nothing against perfecting our curriculum with a little training, it's still very easy to rest your buttocks on the school benches. Thus, with the transferable skills acquired during our first professional experiences, we are ready to start a new career!