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Change of life:how to change job?

We take stock

You have made the decision to change your life:after a separation or a move, you must review the employment issue. Indeed, it could be a good time to change jobs, especially if you are constrained by geography. There are other reasons to change jobs, completely objective, which can come on top of the changes in progress:you are on the verge of burnout from tackling tasks for which you are not qualified; you have no hope of advancement as your hierarchy crushes you; you are totally demotivated by dint of going around your post. This change in your life is then the boost that will help you rethink everything!

We take stock

Any good guide to changing jobs will advise you to ask yourself about your desires and your deep motivations. What do you want to devote 35 hours a week to? What excites you, excites you, interests you? What did you dream of being when you were younger? Ask your loved ones to define you:do they see you as a single-tasker or rather as a globetrotter in search of thrills? Once you have thought about your soft skills, you also need to take stock of your skills. Where are you in your knowledge. To know which profession to choose according to the possibilities of your new environment now that you have changed your life, there are several tools. The skills assessment will be ideal for determining with you a precise and realistic professional project.

We make friend-friend

As soon as it comes to change, and even more so when it comes to changing jobs, you have to know how to reactivate and bet on your network. When you have to change jobs at 30, you have for yourself to have a little experience, diplomas and qualifications not so old as that, and above all a huge network:former classmates, other parents of students , co-workers and friends… not to mention all the "friends" we have on Facebook! Even if they will not necessarily find you the job of your dreams, they will be of good advice:some have already changed jobs, some know those who do the job you are moving towards, some know how to add a video to a CV electronic… Take the time to register on professional social networks, specialized in connecting people with similar or complementary profiles.

Do it yourself

What if it was time to get started? When you can't find a profession that suits you, you create it! Are you bursting with energy, have great ideas, are your girlfriends ready to give you a hand, is your banker willing to follow you? Go for it! Take advantage of your paid leave to take the accounting training you need, use your DIF (individual right to training) to pass your TOEFL or TOEIC and improve your English. Luck smiles on the daring!