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How to make a CV?

Classic resume or video?

In the age of new media, the question inevitably arises for all those looking for a job:should you bet on a classic paper CV or an original CV? Unfortunately, there is not really a universal answer:everyone must be able to showcase their skills, while taking into account the type of job sought. If you're pretty shy and looking for a job in finance or accounting, not sure a fancy video resume is the right idea. Ditto, if you work in advertising, but your computer knowledge is limited:it is better to opt for a classic paper CV, but perfectly realized.

CV:the golden rules for finding a job

If, in the form, the writing of a CV is rather free, it is however necessary to respect certain rules. In France, a CV must fit on a single page. Of course, mention your first and last name, your address, your telephone number and your e-mail address. The photo is optional. If you have a lot of different experiences, select only the most appropriate ones for the job you are applying for. Opt for a clear and airy presentation, and classify your CV by theme:diplomas obtained, jobs held, language skills, etc. And, of course, remember to proofread or have yourself proofread to avoid spelling mistakes!

And for work abroad?

If you are looking for a job in another country, don't forget to check if your diploma is valid abroad:if so, ask for a recognized translation at the embassy of the country you are interested in. Please note:the rules for writing a CV vary depending on the country. In Canada, for example, the CV never includes a photo.