Family Best Time >> Work

I can only work in a hurry… is it serious?

Manage your stress.

You are afraid of failure, so you put off the moment of doing it for fear of not succeeding. Impossible to launch unless forced to by a big kick to the behind. But be careful, relying too much on adrenaline to boost you, you risk in the long run to obtain the opposite result and to rush your job. Know how to recognize the good from the bad stress. As long as the adrenaline of the deadline is pumping you up, no problem, but if you're freaking out for a week because you can't get on with it, then it becomes problematic. Find your limit, because by stressing too often and feeling guilty in anticipation, you risk exhausting yourself.

Set goals and priorities.

Try to prioritize your tasks and force yourself to always start with the most important, the most urgent or the one that worries you the most, just to get rid of it. The good solution ? Write black on white the schedule of your tasks to be accomplished during the day and enjoy the happiness of scratching them out with a big pencil stroke as you go.

Stop "procrastinating"

Procrastination is always putting everything off until tomorrow. And all the excuses are good to take:Unhacking your emails, tidying up your desk, taking a cigarette break with the handsome dark-haired guy from accounting… you always find a thousand fun (or not) things to do rather than THE urgent task. So if you feel the sudden urge to browse Facebook instead of working, try to remember how proud and zen you were the time you managed to complete this file the day before. But above all, don't feel guilty, working in a hurry is still a very common fault...