Family Best Time >> Work

As a single mom I sometimes take my baby to work

I'm so lucky with my job. They take my private situation into account as a single mom without a network around here. What is a disadvantage is that because of the closing times of the shelter I can never actually go to the drinks, which are always scheduled at the end of the afternoon. This week I had a farewell drink from a colleague. And I really wanted to be there. The solution:having a drink with baby!

Single mom with a great employer

I don't drink alcohol anyway because of breastfeeding, which is still very popular with Emma. This was the approach:I left a little early to get Emma after her afternoon nap. And then I walked back to work with my 11-month baby in my business (read:plain black) sling (and the snot over my chic jacket). Emma thought it was very interesting! All cheerful people who were playing shuffleboard in the meantime, and the atmosphere at the small company where I work is always really good.

My colleagues have seen Emma often enough, because I regularly come to do something quickly on my days off, well, as a single mom you don't always have much choice. Emma and I always make an outing of that. Walking to work comfortably in the sling, looking at all the ducks and playing children that we encounter along the way. And then at work have a nice look at what everyone is doing, or even have lunch there with colleagues. She likes it all, and the more people eat at the table, the better she eats herself. My colleagues think I have a super easy baby and always tease that they can't imagine that I am tired sometimes, but that aside 😉 .

Now it was a bit exciting, because there were also a few customers present. And as I complained in my previous blog already said, Emma is not in her easiest phase (later I realized that this could well be the 11-month jump).

Anyways, she did a great job. The little charmer smiled at everyone and told whole stories (“dakadakadaka ieeeeeh” and then burst into laughter). And the customers also found it only visibly nice that employees could just take their child to something like this. In short:highly recommended, worth repeating and for me as a single mom a great relief!

Now I wondered… do you ever take your child(ren) to work? And in what kind of situation is that?